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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state

July 14, 2011 (JUBA) – The government of Lakes state is continuing to receive large numbers of returnees from Khartoum through Shambe port, as South Sudanese return to the country that became independent on July 9.

Some nine barges with returnees arrived at Shambe port on the eve of South Sudan’s independence on Saturday and the returnees are yet to be transported to a way station at Nyang in Yirol East County before their resettlement in various designated places in various counties of Lakes State.

The Yirol West County Deputy Secretary of South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) Gabriel Anok, said that the process for registering returnees started on Wednesday.

Yirol East County commissioner Bulen Bol Achinbai has offered two vehicles to facilitate the returnees’ travel to a way station in Yirol East County. He also added that the findings of the enumerators will be forwarded to SSRRC state headquarters in Rumbek for subsequent action in liaison with International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Anok appealed to the relevant authorities, including the local communities, to receive the returnees and offer them any help possible, describing them as “our people”.

The status of South Sudanese still in North Sudan and the Northerners residing in South Sudan has yet to be agreed on between Khartoum’s National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in South Sudan as part of post-secession arrangements.

The Sudanese cabinet in Khartoum last week approved changes to immigration law which would automatically strip all South Sudanese of their citizenship. All Southern employees in the government, civil service, public services and military have had their employment terminated.

Newly independent South Sudan, however, have said that Northerners may apply for citizenship. Both countries have agreed to give people nine months to apply for citizenship from July 9 when the South officially seceded.

The basis on which residency or citizenship would be granted has not been clarified.

South Sudan separated from the North after a referendum in January saw a 98 percent vote for partition. Many South Sudanese returned before the vote not trusting that their ballots would be counted correctly in the North.

After a surge of activity by the SPLM to return Southerners before the vote now many are stuck in Khartoum and other parts of North Sudan are struggling to find means to return to the South.



  • Mading Makuac
    Mading Makuac

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Dear fellow South Sudanese in North Sudan,there is nothing
    you still waiting .Come and enjoy the fruit of freedom with
    your people in South Sudan rather than being mistreated by
    that stupid man (Oman Bashir).

    As many South Sudanese who work in the North had been sacked
    from their jobs that shows Bashir has never been good guy .
    Let Arabs remain alone ,our land of South Sudan is very rich.


    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Beloved southern sudanese in diaspora, there is nothing sweeter than enjoying freedom in ancestors soil. Lets all move home and enjoy our land. For those who already made it home, please make our nation a peaceful one and not filled with tribalism.

  • Sudanese

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    It just a very sad situation what can I say?!!!
    I never thought I would live long enough to see Sudan and the native Sudanese get to this point and live this way
    Ali Abdel Lateef must be rolling in his grave from the horror we cause him
    Like somebody don’t have a car went and bought a rim
    Do not jump in the water if you don’t know how to swim
    If you don’t have hair what you gona ask the barber to trim
    who ever caused this to happen will be in the trash can of the history of Sudan
    Stupid conspiracies based on no logic plan
    Who gave you this right to Mr. Albasheer ,Silver Kare and Bagan
    naives never succeed no matter how much they say they can
    with your greediness and your selfishness you done nothing but destroy Sudan
    Sinful superiority and nothing but the wrong doer of the Satan
    our hearts crying over you our precious Sudan
    We the loyal Sudanese natives promise to unify you again yes we can.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • koriom

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Dear friend Sudanese,
    you shouldnot cry this time for the division of Sudan, you better
    cry when people of Sudan were mistreated.No one like
    Sudan to be divided but when the problems can stop,what can you do?you better let troublemaker goes to his part and lead
    your own peacefully.Anyway you have given yourself a good name (SUDANESE).Thank for the name.Fellow citizens in Darfur,Blue Nile,South Kordufan ,Abyei and Eastern Sudan please celebrate
    with us because South Sudan freedom is also yours

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Welcome Home since home is the best and no more stresses for you again and big YES!!! to welcome you once again.

    Let us live in peace and harmony.


    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    One love FOREVER and EVER.

  • Sudanese

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Of course I am trigger happy for my brothers and sisters in the south part of Sudan I love them endlessly how can I be not happy for them, but what I am not happy for that they gone .
    let me put it this way I am happy for my brother getting married but I am not happy he leaving the family house and going away
    I wish if we took our problem out of the central government not out of the whole Sudanese , We just making every single Sudanese pay for the central government failure and mistakes

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan returnees continue to arrive in Lakes state
    Dear brother Sudanese, yes it is unfortunate we ended up this way and all is because of greediness of countless politicians in Khartoum that chose oppression of the rest of Sudan over unity based on equality and respect of fellow citizens of Sudan.

    My advising brothers in the north Sudan to learn from the breaking away of South Sudan and rescue what is remain of Sudan not to follow the foot steps of South Sudan. In fact the one to blame is not Salva Kiir or Pagan Amum, the blame should be directed to the ones who did not want equality in Sudan starting from 1953 to the present. It is upto the north to save Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile else, it might take the years but might end up out frustrations break away like South Sudan.

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