Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kidnapped Sudanese politicians held at rebel camp in Eritrea – report

KHARTOUM, May 26, 2005 (Sudan Tribune) — According to Al-Khartoum newspaper, the kidnapped three state assemblymen were taken to a camp in the Rabda area in Eritrea, which is the main camp of the Eastern front.

Secretary-General of the ruling National Congress Party, Ibrahim Ahmad Omar said that the incident showed neighbouring Eritrea’s hostile attitude adding that such behaviour would not have positive outcome and would not open the door for dialogue.

Omar ruled out any involvement by the opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in the incident as the NDA was powerless in these matters.

He indicated that the kidnapping of three Red Sea state legislative council leaders, the day before yesterday, was premeditated before the convening of the eastern Sudan conference.

He stressed that the NC would carry on calling for a peaceful dialogue and concord but would reject and condemn such actions.

In the same vein, Governor of the Red Sea state and Leader of the Red Sea NC, Brig-Gen Rtd, Hatim al-Wasilah said that the government had made all necessary arrangements for the release of the hostages.

He said the kidnapping had been aimed at destabilizing security and diverting attention from the successful conference. He further called on the armed rebels to be reasonable and to release the hostages as this kind of behaviour only further complicated the case of eastern Sudan.

One of the two main Darfur rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), said in a statement it had joined forces with rebel Eastern Front to kidnap the three men who were leaving the government-organised conference in the town of Kassala near the Eritrean border on Tuesday.

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