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Sudan Tribune

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Group of Sudanese opposition parties sign political declaration

KHARTOUM, June 1, 2005 (Sudan Tribune) — A group of opposition parties have agreed to change the National Covenant signed today into a political declaration, to give the opportunity to parties under the umbrella of the opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to sign up.


A Sudanese supporter of the Umma party holds the flag of the party during a press conference on the Darfur crisis. (AFP).

Parties which have already signed the declaration are the Umma Party, the Popular National Congress, the Bath Party Regional Authority, The Arab Socialist Nasirist Party, the Democratic Unionist Nasirist, the original Justice Party, the Beja Congress and the Sudanese Democratic Movement.

The new opposition coalition to be known as National Forces Coalition.

The new declaration advocates seeking peace and democracy and equality among all Sudanese people, in addition to distributing the wealth of the nation in a fair and equitable manner.

It urges the use of civil disobedience to change the status quo in the country and promises to honor ceasefire agreements and those ensuring the safety of civilians.

Moreove the charter espouses the establishment of a transitional national government to run the affairs of the nation temporarily, and requests the covening of a national reconciliation conference to chart out a proper direction for governing the country.

However it has not revealed the make-up of its leadership although observors expect that former prime minister Al-Mahdi in all probability will head it.

The signing ceremony was held at the Ummah Party HQ in Omdurman.

Deputy leader of the opposition Democratic Unionist Party, Ali Mahmoud Hassanein said they did not object to the political declaration and had previously called for the change from covenant on condition that it did not have a particular mechanism as they were already dealing with the NDA’s mechanism.

Hassanein further praised the unifying of the political position of opposition forces.

Spokesman of the Sudanese Communist party, Youcif Hussein, said his party would not sign such political declaration because it is already member of the National Democratic Alliance, and can’t be member in a parallel political structure. Nonetheless he added that his party welcomes coordination between this new coalition and the NDA.

Material from KUNA used to compile his paper.

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