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Sudan Tribune

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UN official welcomes progress in Darfur talks

KHARTOUM, Sudan, July 7, 2005 (AP) — The top U.N. official in Sudan praised this week’s signing of a declaration between the government and western Darfur rebels but said the situation is still unstable and urged both sides to act as if a full peace deal had been signed.

Sudan_Jan_Pronk.jpgJan Pronk, special representative to the secretary-general, called the declaration of principles signed Tuesday in Abuja, Nigeria, “the first important step toward peace,” which he hopes will be reached by the end of the year.

“The situation is positive,” he said. “But that positive situation is also fragile and poses challenges.”

He complained about problems from both sides of the conflict in Darfur. He said the Sudan Liberation Army is holding to release 10 Sudanese aid workers they are holding. He said they have promised four times to release them, most recently Thursday.

“Three times the promise was broken. …I urge the SLA, after the declaration of principle was signed, now to keep their promise, otherwise it will not be credible,” he said.

On the government side, Pronk said a military commander near Golo, South Darfur, had set up a post next to NGO compounds and fired mortars over the area. He demanded that the government stop the commander’s action, saying it was not “in the spirit” of the declaration.

The declaration agreed to broad commitments, including respecting Sudan’s unity, upholding democracy and “justice and equality for all, regardless of ethnicity, religion and gender.” It did not outline how to share power and wealth, however. A new round of talks begins Aug. 24.

“I call on the government and SLA to live according to these principles as if there is peace already. That will create confidence, making peace even more possible,” said Pronk, who spent four days in Abuja assisting in the negotiations.

Rebels from black African tribes took up arms in Darfur in February 2003, complaining of discrimination and oppression by Sudan’s Arab-dominated government. The government is accused of responding by backing a counterinsurgency by Arab militia known as the Janjaweed.

War-induced hunger and disease have killed more than 180,000 people and driven more than 2 million from their homes, according to U.N. estimates.

The Darfur negotiations follow a comprehensive peace agreement reached in January between the government and southern rebels, ending a 21-year civil war that claimed more than 2 million lives. As part of that peace deal, John Garang, leader of the southern rebels, will be sworn in as first vice president Saturday.

In a separate Sudanese conflict, Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail said Wednesday that the U.N. would help mediate in the east, where there has been recent antigovernment violence.

Pronk offered few details but suggested talks could be held in August.

“A lot has to be done but I am hopeful,” Pronk said, saying the parties had softened their resistance to negotiations. “Whatever we can do to make it possible, we will.”

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