Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Flood-hit eastern state releases estimates for rehabilitation

Khartoum, Sept 19, 2003 (SUNA) — Wali of Kassala State in eastern Sudan Gen Hasan Muhammad Nur has announced a plan for rehabilitation of Kassala after the floods that targets 131 government institutions at the cost of 9b Sudanese dinars, covering services, electricity, water and roads.

Speaking at the regular press forum of SUNA yesterday, the Wali said the plan also includes the health sector, including transfer of Kassala Hospital and rehabilitation of health centres.

He added that there are also studies for dealing with the flood of Al-Gash River at an estimated cost of 20 million dollars in accordance with the directives of the president of the republic during his visit to the state recently.

He pointed out that there is also a directive from the president of the republic to draw a map for the state to determine the new extensions.

The Wali commended the role of the national and international organizations in support of Kassala State.

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