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Sudan Tribune

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List of Sudan’s national unity government

Sept 20, 2005 (KHARTOUM) — Herewith the list of ministers in Sudan’s first national unity government, which was announced Tuesday eight months after a landmark north-south peace agreement.

The 74-strong line-up includes only five women.

Among the 29 ministers, the former northern ruling National Congress Party (NCP) obtained 16 portfolios, while the former southern rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) clinched nine.

– President: Omar al-Beshir (NCP)

– First Vice President: Salva Kiir (SPLM)

– Second Vice President: Ali Osman Taha (NCP)

– Assistant to the president: Nafie Ali Nafie (NCP)

– Minister of foreign affairs: Lam Akol (SPLM)

– Minister of interior: Zubeir Beshir Taha (NCP)

– Minister of energy and mining: Awad Ahmed al-Jaz (NCP)

– Minister of defence: Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein (NCP)

– Minister of justice: Mohammed Ali al-Mardi (NCP)

– Minister of finance: Zubeir Mohammed Hassan (NCP)

– Minister of information: Zahawi Ibrahim Malek (Umma faction – northern opposition)

– Minister of foreign trade: George Boreng Niyami (SPLM)

– Minister of international cooperation: Al-Tijani Saleh Hudeib (NCP)

– Minister of agriculture and forestry: Mohammed al-Amin Issa Kabashi (NCP)

– Minister of industry: Jalal al-Dugair (DUP dissident – northern opposition)

– Minister of investment: Malek Agar Ayar (SPLM)

– Minister of international cooperation: Al-Tigani Saleh Fedail (NCP)

– Minister of federal government: Abdel Basit Saleh Sabdarat (NCP)

– Minister of the presidency: Bakri Hassan Saleh (NCP)

– Minister of cabinet affairs: Deng Alor Kol (SPLM)

– Minister of parliamentary affairs: Joseph Okelo (USAP – southern opposition)

– Minister of animal resources: Galwak Deng (NCP – southerner)

– Minister of education: Paul Mithanq (SPLM)

– Minister of culture, youth and sport: Mohammed Yusuf Abdallah (NCP)

– Minister of higher education: Peter Niyot Kok (SPLM)

– Minister of transport: Kuwal Maniang Ajok (SPLM)

– Minister of water resources: Kamal Ali Mohammed (NCP)

– Minister of tourism: Josef Malwal (UDSF – southern opposition)

– Minister of religious affairs and waqf: Azhari Al-Tigani Awad al-Sid (NCP)

– Minister of health: Tabita Sokaya (SPLM)

– Minister of humanitarian affairs: Kosti Manili (SPLM)

– Minister of labour and human resources: Alison Manani Magaya (NCP – southerner)

– Minister of environment and urban development: Ahmed Babkir Nahar (NCP)

– Minister of state for the presidency: Idris Mohammed Abdel Kader

– Minister of state for the presidency: Telar Reng Deng

– Minister of state for cabinet affairs: Kamal Abdel Latif

– Minister of state for foreign affairs: Ali Ahmed Kerti

– Minister of state for foreign affairs: Samani al-Wasila al-Sheikh

– Minister of state for federal government: John Angol

– Minister of state for information: Farah Ibrahim Agar

– Minister of state for interior: Alio Abini Alio

– Minister of state for finance: Ali Mohammed Abdel Rassul

– Minister of state for finance: Ahmed al-Majzub

– Minister of state for finance: Luwal Ashweil Deng

– Minister of state for foreign trade: Salman Suleiman al-Safi

– Minister of state for investment: Al-Samih Sadeq

– Minister of state for culture and youth: Abdelkader Mohammed Zein

– Minister of state for culture and youth: Mohammed Ahmed Abu Kalabish

– Minister of state for culture and youth: Mohammed Abu Zeid Mustafa

– Minister of state for transport: Omar Suleiman

– Minister of state for environment: Mohammed Merkazu Kok

– Minister of state for environment: Teresa Eyru

– Minister of state for health: Fateh Mohammed Said

– Minister of state for labour: Mohammed Yusuf Mustafa

– Minister of state for higher education: Mubarak Majzub Mohammed

– Minister of state for higher education: Saleh Ali Adam

– Minister of state for justice: William Ajak Deng

– Minister of state for energy and mining: John Luk Jok

– Minister of state for international cooperation: Barnaba Marial Benjamin

– Minister of state for water resources: Mayom Koj Malika

– Minister of state for agriculture and forestry: Ann Iko

– Minister of state for industry: Ali Ahmed Osman

– Minister of state for industry: Timothy Atut Ajuk

– Minister of state for animal resources: Daniel Akot

– Minister of state for humanitarian affairs: Ahmed Mohammed Harun

– Minister of state for social affairs: Sami Yassin Abdel Dayem

The president also has 12 special advisers who are also considered part of the government:

– Riak Gai Kok

– Ahmed Ali Imam

– Mustafa Osman Ismail

– Majzoub al-Khalifa

– Ghazi Salaheddin al-Attabani

– Bona Malawal

– Farida Ibrahim Ahmed Hussein

– Mansour Khaled

– Harun Ron Lual

– Ali Tamim Fartak

– Ahmed Bilal Osman

– Abdallah Ali Masar


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