Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Stop Islamists from killing Sudan peace process

By Sabrino Majok Majok

October 02, 2005 — Since the formation of government of National Unity on September 20, the ruling NIF/NCP (National Islamic Front/National Congress Party) has shifted its war strategies in Darfur. Instead of abiding by cease-fire agreement and responds only in self-defense if attacked by rebel movements, the NIF has now unleashed its military might on innocent African of Western Darfur region in IDPs camps.

To prove their disingenuousness, NIF forces have painted their vehicles in white, colour used by African Peace monitors. In those attacks, a number of deaths were reported, including massive displacements. Indeed, NIF destruction and merciless atrocities are taking place in presence of African Union forces and international community, who claim to be on lives saving “mission” in Darfur.

According AU press release (September 1, 2004), GOS used 41 trucks and 7 land crusiers in its latest carnage. If in fact AU means business, this revelation should serve as a wake up call. In addition, peace loving Sudanese citizens and the marginalized peoples in particular should pool their efforts and resources in a final confrontation with the enemy.

What is happening in Western Sudan is not just a war between Janjaweed and rebel movements and their African folks, but a full blown conflict between NIF/NCP and Sudanese people. All of us should be worried because yesterday was South Sudan, today is West, tomorrow will be East, far North, Centre, or South again.

But because NIF was forced to sign CPA (Comprehensive Peace Agreement), the fundamentalists may revisit South within few years before entering to other regions with one mission: to kill and bury CPA-together with Southerners/oppositions.

Yes, the monstrous, ominous cycle of genocide should worry all of us, including the sole partner of NIF, the SPLM. The Movement must worry the most as it’s a guarantor of CPA.

To effectively ward off the looming danger to CPA, SPLM must take immediate action, not just words but deeds. Movement’s intervention shouldn’t only end by sending delegation to Abuja peace talks, but it should also includes a strong warning to NIF to cease and desist from its wanton killings and destruction in Sudan irrespective of regions.

Because deteriorating security situations in Darfur is only a sign of something bigger which might culminate with death of CPA.

* Sabrino Majok Majok, is a Sudanese from Canada, email: [email protected]

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