Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Conclusions of the 9th session of Darfur Ceasefire Joint Commission

1. The 9th Session of the Joint Commission was held from 13 to 14 October, 2005 at N’djamena, Chad, under the chairmanship of Genera Mahamat Ali Abdallah Nassour, the Chadian Minister of Territorial Administration and Chairman of the said Commission assisted by Ambassador Baba Gana Kingibe, the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union in the Sudan.

2. The Agenda of the Session was adopted as follows:

– Report of the Chairman of the Cease-fire Commission (CFC).
– Assessment of the N’djamena humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement and the two Abuja Protocols on the improvement of the humanitarian situation and the enhancement of the security situation in Darfur, respectively.
– Enhancement of the Joint Commission in all its aspects
– Conclusions.

3. The Joint Commission welcomed the effective resumption on 15 September 2005 of the Abuja inter Sudanese Peace Talks and the progress accomplished towards a comprehensive and final peace Agreement, particularly with the commencement of the negotiations on power and wealth sharing as well as the security arrangements and other issues related to modalities for the implementation of the said Agreement.

4. After listening to the Report by the Chairman of the Ceasefire Commission (CFC) and the Force Commander, the Joint Commission:

a) Expressed its deep concern on the deterioration of the security situation in Darfur;

b) Deeply deplored the persistent violation of the Cease-fire by all the Parties;

c) Vigorously condemned the continuation of criminal activities and banditry acts against innocent civilians and humanitarian convoys;

d) Unreservedly condemned attacks against members of AMIS (African Mission in the Sudan) and particularly the attack against AMIS escort in sector 2, Nyala, on 7 October 2005, which caused the death of four AMIS soldiers and two PAE workers. The Commission also condemned the abduction in sector 5 of AMIS personnel along with theirs equipments and materials by a dissent group from JEM. In this respect, the Commission welcomed the condemnation of these attacks by members of the international community.

5. The Commission vigorously condemned the escalation of Janjawid militias activities on the ground as well as their recent incursion into Chadian territory murdering more than sixty innocent civilians and looting about three hundred livestock.

6. The Commission urged the Parties to scrupulously abide by the commitments that they undertook under of the N’Djamena Agreement, the two Abuja Protocols as well as to immediately put an end to all acts hampering the Peace Process and considerably impeding the work of the humanitarian organizations and AMIS forces.

7. Given the seriousness of the situation and the need to find a prompt solution to it, the Commission entrusted its Chairman and the African Union to undertake the necessary consultations with the Sudanese Parties with a view designating the members of the Commission for the verification of positions occupied by the forces on the ground in order to establish a plan to separate these forces. In the meantime, the Commission urged the Parties to indicate in writing with out delay, their respective positions to the Ceasefire Commission. In this respect, the Joint Commission demanded the full cooperation of the Parties in order to enable the rapid establishment of Verification Team.

8. The Commission reiterated its appeal for the immediate disarmament of the Militias/Janjawid urged the Parties to avoid attacking each other and to put an end to massive movements of their troops and fighters.

9. The Commission urged the Parties to avoid attacking each other and to put an end to massive movements of their troops and fighters.

10. The Commission called on the Parties to stop their incursions into areas controlled by AMIS and allow free movement of the AMIS troops.

11. The Commission reaffirmed the principle of free movement for the AMIS troops on the entire Darfur Territory and invited the SLM/A High Command to instruct its commanders on the ground to stop attacking the AMIS patrols.

12. The Commission called for the organization of joint patrols comprising all the Parties with a view to ensuring the protection of civilian populations.

13. The Commission requested SLM/A to withdraw its forces without delay from Labado, Graida, Ishma and Marla.

14. The Commission welcomed the announced decision of the Government of the Sudan to favorably consider the delivery of the 105 APCs vehicles needed by AMIS to enhance its protection capabilities for its personnel and innocent civilians.

15. the Commission demanded that the National Movement for Reform and Development (NMRD) and a JEM dissident faction led by Mohamed Saleh Hamid Harba to return the vehicles, arms and ammunitions slashed from AMIS. The Commission welcomed the readiness of Chadian Authorities to assist towards this end.
16. Furthermore, the Commission took note of the assurance given by the African Union relating to the forthcoming establishment of its office in N’Djamena, in order to assist the former to discharge in its duties.

17. The Commission launched a vibrant appeal to the Movements to overcome their internal disputes and to unify their ranks, and urged all the Sudanese Parties to do their utmost to maintain the ongoing Peace dynamics in the Abuja talks.

18. Finally, the Commission observed that time has come for all the Parties to respect their Commitments. Otherwise, the Commission will be bound to notify the Peace and Security Council of the African Union which, in turn, will refer the matter to the United Nations Security Council for appropriate measures to make the Parties respect their Commitments.

Done at N’djamena, on 14 October 2005


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