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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Mundri Community in Diaspora letter to Sudan’s Salva Kiir — Updated

Date: ctober 18, 2005

Your Excellency,

The First Vice President of Sudan
and President of the Government of South Sudan
Lt. General Salva Kiir Mayardit

Re: Break Down of Law and Order in Mundri and Mvolo Counties, South Sudan.

Trusting in your leadership; encouraged by the signing of the Comprehensive Sudan Peace Agreement; moved by the inauguration of the South Sudan Parliament and the anticipated formation of the South Sudan Government; guided by our firm commitment to the unity of the people of South Sudan; inspired by the urgent need and desire to realize the rule of law, justice, equality, prosperity and respect to human dignity and all other forms of human rights, we the sons and daughters of Mundri and Mvolo counties along with many comrades from the Greater Equatoria in Diaspora, hereby, wish to bring to your attention the serious break down of law and order in various parts of the respective counties.

No doubt, we fully comprehend the fact that war displaces people both internally and externally. Consequently, many Southern Sudanese of Bor origin moved to the Moru land and other parts of Equatoria along with their cattle. They were welcomed with open hands as comrades in the struggle. Unfortunately, many of them that own cattle have abused our hospitality and caused a great deal of suffering, pain and atrocities against our peace loving people ranging from rampant annual destruction of crops by their cattle, rape, arson, vandalism, intimidation, harassment and killings. As you well know, our people are entirely dependent on agriculture and such acts hit right at the heart of our very source of survival, livelihood, stability, development and, indeed, communal harmony.

We wish to assert here that this situation has been there for about fifteen years now and the leadership of the Movement is fully aware of it. SPLM/A’s intervention has been repeatedly sought at the highest level of leadership from 1994 till March this year but all in vain. Promises were made but were never effected and this has enabled the perpetrators to act with impunity. We believe this is due to the fact that some of those cattle owners are well placed and connected Officers in the ranks of our very liberation Movement, the SPLA/M. Such acts tarnish the image of this great revolutionary Movement wherein our people have contributed a great deal and made considerable sacrifice. It is an utter betrayal of trust, good will and patience to see our beloved counties in total anarchy and misery. Just few days ago, major NGOs operating in Mundri and Mvolo counties have left the area due to insecurity. Right now, credible fresh information confirms that thousands of people have been displaced and hundreds- including women, children and the elderly- are on their way to Juba. It is also now established that nearly one hundred houses of the local people have been burnt down by the IDPs throughout the three counties. Therefore, we believe that justice delayed is justice denied.

We further wish to emphasize that with the signing of the CPA and establishment of the current administration in the South, South Sudan must rapidly start on a new page based on fairness, good will, respect to the rule of law and, above all, the human dignity. We, therefore, request that:

1. The South Sudan Government intervenes urgently to restore law and order in Mundri and Mvolo Counties by ensuring that the IDPs are immediately provided safe military and police escort back to their areas. With the advent of peace in South Sudan, there is absolutely no justification as to why they should not be repatriated.

2. The Government of South Sudan should set up an emergency high powered parliamentary adhoc committee to move immediately to Mundri and Mvolo Counties to assess the extent of damage caused and make appropriate arrangements to supply emergency relief and medical aid to the needy over there. This has to be done in close coordination with the MPs from the affected counties and the local administrations there. The Findings and recommendations of the committee should be made public.

3. Based on the findings of the proposed Parliamentary Committee and the police, all those responsible for aiding and abetting all forms of atrocities in those three counties must be immediately apprehended, prosecuted and tried in a competent court of law for crimes against humanity.

In conclusion, we wish to affirm here that for the CPA to have meaning, it must be reflected on the ground in the lives of the people. Security and stability are the prerequisites of development and progress in any part of the world. Dealing firmly and decisively with such instances of insecurity as caused by the IDPs in Mundri and Mvolo counties as well as the LRA thugs all over Equatoria Region is the need of the hour and real tests for the GOSS. The real insecurity in any society is the shocking inaction by the existing authorities and their failure to provide the appropriate remedies. It is a matter of common sense that insecurity in any region in South Sudan shall certainly pose serious threat to stability and peace all over the South. Given the wide spread of fire arms in the South, the survival of the CPA is hugely dependent on how such instances of insecurity are rapidly, fairly and honestly dealt with regardless of the identities of the parties thereto.

We look forward to your prompt action.


Mr. Sylvester Jacob
The Chairman Moru Community in Diaspora.

– The Vice President, GOSS
– The Governors of Western, Central and Eastern Equatoria States.
– The Governors of Jonglei and Lakes States
– The Speaker, South Sudan Parliament.
– The MPs, Ministers and Chiefs from the affected counties.
– The Commissioners of Mundri and Mvolo counties.
– The Diocesan Bishops of the three counties

Signed by 329 persons

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