Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NC stretches to lit fire among Sudanese refugees in Cairo

By Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Oct 25, 2005 — Despite its devastating and destructive war in southern Sudan, genocide and massive killing in Darfur and conflicts in Eastern Sudan, yet the national congress party still dissatisfied with its act of terrorizing, torturing, intimidation and killing its citizens within the Sudanese territory. And she deems it wise to extend its territorial animus beyond the Sudanese borders. Since the Sudanese refugees staged their peaceful protests 27 days now at the open park at Gamaat Dowal Arabia Street, demanding for their repatriation to third country which would host and solve their problems. The national congress has been continuously trying hard to instigate and incite the refugees to flame up peaceful protest into violent protests in order to ruin the image and the decent manner which Sudanese refugee protests are showing.

On several occasions, national congress security operatives brought in some sappers to ignite the refugees to flame up the violent protests in order to achieve their demands, but the refugees were very resolve and vigilant to the malicious plans of the national congress security operatives in Cairo. Those security operatives who tried to ruin the image of the refugee protests were quickly rolled up and handed over to the Egyptian securities overseeing the refugee protests safety. Yet national congress security organs notoriously continued with their filthy plans and sent more sappers in car carrying plate number CD/30/25532 to destabilize the course of the refugees, but also was rounded up and handed over to the Egyptian security. Another incident occurred on October 22, 2005 when a female Sudanese joint the protests and started same scenario of igniting the refugees to stir up the violent protests. She was rounded up and handed over to the Egyptian security too. This act of the national congress party towards the refugee protests has been published in the Egyptian news paper “MISR TODAY” on its issue of October 12, 2005 describing the incidents as “National Congress sappers terrorizing and threatening the Sudanese refuge protests in Cairo”.

After all, these refugees are Sudanese citizen who flew from various war zone regions in Sudan for their lives from terror, torture, and atrocities of their own government, which do not value its people, but rather sadisms to see its citizens in persistent anguish and penury. This animus deeds demonstrates with no doubt the bullying attitude of the national congress party towards Sudanese citizen whenever they are, and it exhibits the actual evil face of the national congress party.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa, Cairo – Egypt
E-mail: [email protected]

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