Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why is the unity of South Sudan so imperative?

By Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Oct 30, 2005 — It is most vital and crucial importance to all south Sudanese, politicians and intellectuals to unite under the umbrella of Government of South Sudan, to the realization of self-determination, self reliance and reliability of government of south Sudan. The viability and feasibility of the government of south Sudan rest entirely on the unity of its sons and daughters. The people of south Sudan have been enduring great hardships and suffering in dignified silence for the past five decades in perfect civility. Thus, time has come to lift our people from the pit of slavery, servitude, penury, death and restore their human rights and dignity as masters in their own house.

As the new prospects of life, hope and stability starts dwelling in southern Sudan, still the previous experiences continue to float in the minds of many Southerners, as whether this comprehensive peace agreement will sustain and uphold the merciless tides of fierce waves or might be washed away like Addis Ababa agreement! Here Southerners have got their own reasons to be conservative and to observe the entire process with reservation. Despite the fact that comprehensive peace agreement has granted south to keep separately its army during the transitional period, power and Khartoum has no authority to dissolve government of south Sudan and the UN peace keeping forces on the ground, yet Southerners do not rule out the filthy intentions and determination of the enemies to derail and hurdle implementation of the peace agreement to the letter.

Here we have to pause and pose some questions, does the government of south Sudan have a really power? Does Khartoum government have no authority on government of south Sudan in one way or another? And if that is the case, why First Vice President and President of South Sudan Salva Kiir blamed delaying of the South Sudan government formation on President Bashir? Here we have to look at all these various aspects and prospects from different perspectives, and have the best perception of the whole situation, as whether it has curbing effects on the entire course. As the viability of government of south Sudan depend much on the availability and constant stream of funds from oil revenues to treasury of south Sudan government or otherwise government of south Sudan will be held in absolute captivity. And the government of south Sudan will not be able to render required services or meet the expectations and desperate needs of its people, if Khartoum government doesn’t release promptly the entire reserved funds and make its book accounts open and evident to its southern counterparts. The entire process requires real commitment, confidence and exhibit of the true faces and the absolute transparency of Khartoum government. The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) is the backbone of the government of south Sudan, and has to be provided with all the essential tools that they require to protect the comprehensive peace agreement. There is no strong political leadership without adamant army and viable military capability. Thus, Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) deserves concerted special attention of our political leadership to deliver its message effectively. We learned dear lessons from Addis Ababa agreement and this time, we have to be perspicuous and honest with ourselves and focus much on the modalities, interpretation and implementation of the peace process on the actual ground. The time is against us, and not in our favor, and no more time left to be wasted for power rivaling, greediness and betrayal of our course as it happened after Addis Ababa agreement. Thus, our unity, resolve and vigilance are required now more than any time. We require talented and patriotic Southern Sudanese leaders and politicians whom really love south Sudan and not ravenous politicians seeking political seats without a vision and plan to develop south Sudan.

As we move forward with the huge task of building and rebuilding our homeland South Sudan, we have to bear in our minds and hearts that we have to address and readdress every issue in our society with boldness and courage, and we need not to turn blind eyes to any issue that threats our unity and integrity. And as sons and daughters of South Sudan, we have to put aside the issues of ethnicity and tribalism and label ourselves “SOUTHERNERS” this is our emblem. And if the chickens can unite under the wings of their hen, why not us! Our unity is our strength and our disunity is our weakness which will make us vulnerable to enemies. Thus, our unity and solidarity behind our Government of South Sudan is above everything at this crucial time and is required now not tomorrow. I am aware about the concern of every ethnic group in south, which wanted to see that every ethnic group has to be represented in any formation of the government in Juba. That practically won’t be possible taking into account the number of the tribes which formed south Sudan. Thus, our label and emblem (Southerners) is the best representation for the entire southern Sudan region. According to my view, voicing of tribal resentment has no ground, as far as each Ministry in Juba has got responsibility towards the ten states of south Sudan in delivering equitable services, and the execution of the allocated projects in each southern state would be jointly overseen by the Ministry concerned and the local authorities of each state, with complete transparency and accountability. As under the decentralized system, the local government authorities in each state has got the really power to diagnose and prioritize the need of each state and raise it to the government of south in Juba. Thus, the government and representative (MPs) of each state have got great role and responsibility in presenting and overseeing the entire course of process and issues in their respective states.

As we go on, there are issues which we have to collectively address it from the highest level of the government to the lowest levels and the entire southern Sudanese community is corruption, as corruption is a deadly disease which destroys and blocks the blood circulation in the nerves and eventual death of the whole system. Nepotism and tribalism yet another chronic disease which south Sudan is suffering from, and we have to override and overcome it in order to build a strong democratically government and society, despite the fact that tribes are pride of our diversity which forms South Sudan. Thus, to have a strong and viable government to deliver best services, and be up to the standard and expectations of the people, the nomination and appointment of Ministers should be based on the experience, capability and potentiality as well as various key positions in the ministries and government institutions regardless of gender or ethnicity or bond. Our ethnic communities have great history of living together, and ever since adhered to each other and their ties will continue to be more cemented than ever before under the leadership of SPLM and government of south Sudan.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa, a Sudanese from Cairo – Egypt.
Email: [email protected]

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