Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Slow implementation of CPA

By Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Nov 30, 2005 — The comprehensive peace agreement and its implementation modalities, has been made apparent for just and smooth implementation of the peace deal to the letter. But the CPA implementation is taking a tortoise velocity in its various aspects. Some view this tortoise motion as certainty and firmness in the implementation of peace deal! But make no mistake that this slow implementation of peace agreement was or is due to premeditated strategies of the enemies of peace, because the swift and fair implementation of peace deal is not in their favor.

The government of the national unity was formed since on September 20, 2005 after long and bitter disputes on the control of the two critical ministries and in particular oil. The government of the national unity as stipulated in the agreement and interim constitution has got the great responsibility and duties to deliver. Some of these duties include, taking all the necessary measures to ensure that peace and stability are prevailing in all parts of Sudan. Formulating a repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation, reconstruction/building and development plan to address the needs of the areas affected by war, and redress the imbalance in development and resource allocation! But as this date, there has been no drastic measures and tangible deeds from the NCP predominant government of the national unity, and instead of nurturing peace and unity, it is radically fostering the sedition and disintegration of the Sudan, and it has never taken seriously the implementation of the CPA in its real contest, but rather involved in an empty and vocal promises without any deeds. The national congress party is still the only spear head in Sudanese political arena and embarking on its old radical polices without any flexibility and faithfulness, and that was evident on the run of oil ministry and the administration of the capital Khartoum. The NCP does not have much concern in the implementation of the CPA as stipulated, but rather wants to implement the CPA in its own style which does not contradict with its ideology and interest. Thus, make no mistake, NCP is playing it smartly, buying time, building its institutions and capabilities unlike the SPLM, and that is the actual fact in the slow implementation of the CPA.

The government of national unity (GNU) has to be in conformity with its name or otherwise it is utterly absurd to call it government of national unity, if it could not deliver its bestowed responsibility! The national congress party and GNU should vigorously draw plans and allocate funds to build war torn south, repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation, to show her real readiness, intentions and faithfulness in promoting the peace in Sudan. The current juncture is not for faulting or pointing a finger as whom imposed the war in Sudan, as per the briefing of President al-Bashir to reporters on November 25, 2005, that war in Sudan has been imposed and the Southerners would bear a key role to eliminate the feeling of doubts and recreate trust among the Sudanese people! This is absurd and ludicrous as al-Bashir has to understand that, it is Northerners to eliminate all bad feelings toward their brothers and sisters in south, if they really believe that Southerners are their brother/sisters with equal opportunities and rights as Sudanese citizens, and show the real brotherhood/sisterhood toward Southerners. The war in Sudan was imposed by Northerners, and Southerners have no option but to fight for their rights, due to their treatment as second class citizens, inequality and discrimination, casual murder, slavery, Islamization policy by declaring jihad war against south, marginalization, imbalance in development and resource allocation and overall pinching of the south Sudanese resources to building north and committing atrocities and ethnic cleansing against Southerners. And that was evident in the devastated destruction of towns, villages and massive killing of the civilians in south Sudan and particularly around the petroleum areas by helicopter gun ships, without having mercy on women or children or elderly. And the dispute over the control of two key economic sectors and the administration of Khartoum, were the obvious hint as who actually would bear the key role. It is al-Bashir and Northerners to bear the key role and not Southerners. President al-Bashir has to be veraciously in fostering peace and unity instead of being bias and ignorance about the true circumstances of the war in Sudan.

Where is the role and resolve of the NCP predominant government of national unity in building south Sudan, as stipulated in the CPA? And how will GNU promote peace and make the unity of Sudan cute to Southerners, if it could not actually, contribute in the building of the south Sudan? The unity of Sudan will not be build by empty and vocal promises, but by tangible deeds, good faith and true commitments, and not by hanging the entire responsibility and role of promoting unity of Sudan on Southerners. Despite the non-availability of funds in the treasury of the GOSS, the recent signing of an agreement in Juba between Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and the government of south Sudan, it demonstrates evidently the true intentions and determination of the government of south Sudan to start building south Sudan within its own capacity.

There is absolute slow motion in the formation of the government of south Sudan, as the southern Sudan governors was appointed on September 22, 2005, southern Sudan parliament inaugurated on September 27, 2005 and the southern cabinet was formed on October 23, 2005. And one is wondering, why is it very difficult to put in place the government of south Sudan and its ten states? As this date the most essential ministry of SPLA Affairs has not yet been named! This is the most fatal mistakes SPLM and GOSS are committing. As we should not be weathered away from putting in place one of our most crucial institutions. According to my view, if it were not to be SPLA boldness and sacrifices, we could have not reached the comprehensive peace agreement, and I believe no one will deny this fact. Thus, we have to pay great attention to our men and women in the uniform, even though if we do not have enough capacity to build south. The modernization and supply of the SPLA with all the required tools, is very imperative to protect our house. Make no mistake, who is watching your back, protecting our borders, guaranteeing your safety and security and who is the actual momentum behind the signing and implementation of CPA? Hence, if we undermine SPLA role in protection of peace deal, we are committing suicide and we have to pay the price in absolute silence and civility! The GOSS has to expedite to put in place Police Forces to enforce law and order in south Sudan and to maintain the order among the people. As without the reorganization of SPLA, Police and Prison forces on ground, who will oversee the law enforcement, order, security, and ensure stability in the south Sudan? We need not to be driven away from our real course, but have to stay at course for the better realization of our hopes, dreams and vision.

This very slow action to put in place the southern states government has great impact on the whole region, and its consequence is greater than we can expect or forecast. To date only five state governments declared and still five remain to be named. Each state government will require time to have overall control of its state, and will not be in sound position to deliver services unless if it has got available resources and capability or otherwise it will be in absolute confinement.

The reconstruction or building of various government institutions as well as schools and hospitals at the seat of government and other states in south Sudan is the real challenge facing the southern Sudan governments. And with the increased return of people into the region, day and night and with the poor or non existing infrastructure in south, there is great possibility of disease spread and chaotic situation in the whole region. And the government of south Sudan has to invent a mechanism and potentiality to address the urgent needs of South Sudanese people on priority basis.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa,
Cairo – Egypt
E-mail: [email protected]

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