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Sudan Tribune

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SSDF calls UN to set date for self-determination referendum

South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF)

Press Release

December 16, 2005

The South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF) Call Appeals to the UN Security Council to Pressure the Government of Sudan to Set a Time-Table and Date for the Exercise of Self-determination (Referendum) in South Sudan as Dictated by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, CPA

The South Sudan Democratic Forum, known as the Democratic Forum held an extraordinary general assembly meeting today the Sixteenth day of December Two Thousand and five, in the City Minneapolis, Minnesota, the designated headquarters of the South Sudan External Front (SSEF). The meeting deliberated the dawdling implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the repatriation of the refugees from the Sudan neighboring countries and the fade of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP).

Reports and eye witnessed accounts of our members who have just retuned from the country (Sudan) confirmed the ill intension of the National Islamic Front (unknown as the National Congress Party, NCP) to slowly burry the CPA. It is our hope that the GONU rise to its national obligations and demonstrate to the Sudanese people affirmatively how it moves to “make the unity attractive”.

Our sources in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania) revealed to us that refugees are not interested in repatriating back to the country. No arrangements have been made by the GONU to ease returnees’ transition back into the society leaving us to question the role of our representatives in that government. There’s also hateful treatment of the IDPs who are leaving in the north. Over 4000 people including women and elderly are missing, some were lynched from their homes and others just vanished and are nowhere to be found. The report feared that 75% of this number might already be dead.

Therefore, the South Sudan Democratic Forum is pleading the Inter-governmental Agency for Development (IGAD) and its friend (the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and Italy), the brokers of the CPA, and other peace loving people of the world:
To twist the arm of the GONU to
– Form a fact-finding committee to investigate the status of the reported missing people
– Pressure the government of Sudan, especially the NCP, to place the implementation of CPA back on it regular track as dictated in its signed articles.
– Set a timetable and a date for which the referendum shall take place
– The South Sudan Democratic Forum calls on all South Sudanese in Diasporas irrespective of their ideological affiliations to form Referendum Forums in order to lobby the International Community especially the Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council to support the call for setting of a date and a timetable for the Referendum to take place in South Sudan.

May Almighty God blesses us and bring our suffering to end


– Wal Gatwech Tang
– Chairman of the Mid-western
– United States Branch Office of the
South Sudan Democratic Forum

[email protected]

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