Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Egypt seeks to control Sudan-Chad tension

Dec 26, 2005 (CAIRO) — Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit Monday said Egypt seeks to control escalating violence between Sudan and Chad, pointing out to direct contacts with both sides.

Ahmed_Abul_Geit.jpgAccording to the Egyptian MENA, Abul-Gheit said Egypt is holding contacts with the United Nations in this respect as well to reach coordination with some of the regional parties and to contain the situation.

Asked about the role that could be played by the African Union to halt escalation between the two countries, he said the AU shoulders responsibilities as a regional organization that should act fast before it is too late.

As for whether or not the Khartoum summit in January and the African Union summit will tackle the Sudan-Chad issue, he said if the issue is still raised till the date of the summit it will be on the agenda. However, one hopes that such tension will be over soon, he said.

Commenting on Egypt’s role in containing the increasing tension between Eritrea and Ethiopia, he said both nations appreciate Egypt’s role but Egypt’s mediation has not been requested by any of them.

The matter is very complicated and needs strong efforts and advice that war and armed confrontations can never do any good and that international legal political action is the best way to go.

He expressed belief that the UN will once again tackle the said file as of January to encourage both parties to exert more efforts to implement the outcome of international arbitration between the two nations.


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