Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

US should provide air power to the African Union in Darfur



Newt Gingrich to President Bush: Provide Air Support to the African Union or Hundreds of Thousands Will Die in Darfur

Jan 4, 2006 — Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, (R-GA), 1995-1999 and co-chair
of the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Task Force on the United Nations, appeared
on C-Span’s morning talk show, Washington Journal on Tuesday. Elisabeth
Kidder, Director of Survivors United to Save the Women of Darfur
(, as a call-in guest, was able to ask Speaker Gingrich
a question.

In late November, Gingrich published an opinion article in the International
Herald Tribune arguing that, in Darfur, “it is clear that international
action is still urgently needed. African Union troops in Darfur are unable
to protect themselves, let alone those they were sent to protect.”[1]

Kidder asked Gingrich, “if you were President today, would you use the
United States Armed Forces to finally end the genocide in Darfur?”

The following was Speaker Gingrich’s answer to the Director’s question:

“Well, let me say, my advice to the president is, and would be, that the
United States should provide air power to reinforce and strengthen the African Union forces, and that we should indicate unequivocally that we are not going to tolerate a government that is actively engaged in genocide.

I think that we and the French and the British have the capacity in the
region, if we are prepared to use it, to save hundreds and thousands of
lives, working with the African union forces on the ground. And I think what
people have to look at is, you know, you are either willing to tolerate
hundreds of thousands of innocent people dying, or you are will to stop them
from dying. That doesn’t mean that you need to use American forces
everywhere, but it does mean you have to be prepared to support those who
are willing to do the right thing for civilization.”

Since late 2003, Survivors United has called on President Bush and the
Congress to work with the United Nations, NATO, or the European Union – or
to act unilaterally if necessary – to ensure that an effective, capable and
credible peace enforcement force is deployed to Darfur to protect civilians.

Survivors United fully endorses Mr. Gingrich’s suggestion to President Bush
to provide air support to the African Union mission in Darfur. We call upon
the President to take immediate military action to end the genocide in
Western Sudan.

— –
[1] Newt Gingrich and George Mitchell, “Report card from America”, International Herald Tribune (Nov. 25, 2005).

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