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Sudan Tribune

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Official Wants Action On Sudan Peace Pact

Jan 10, 2006 (NAIROBI) —
Kenya and the international community were yesterday asked to pressure the Sudanese government to implement the peace accord it signed.

Dr Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, expressed regret that, one year since the agreement’s signing in Nairobi, there was little progress on it.

The representative and coordinator of the Government of Southern Sudan in East Africa and the Horn, called for quick action on the implementation of the accord, which was signed in Nairobi a year ago, by Dr John Garang and Sudan’s president Omar Al Bashir.

President Kibaki and his predecessor Daniel arap Moi and world leaders witnessed the signing of the historic accord.

Dr Ofuho expressed fear that the slow pace of implementing the accord was causing concern among Southern Sudanese living in and out of the former war-torn country, who were keen to return home. He spoke in Lavington, Nairobi at a low key anniversary ceremony of the pact at the offices of Sudanese People’s Liberation Army and Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement.

“Just like it was very difficult reaching the agreement, the process of implementation has not been easy. In comparison to what has been expected to be achieved in one year, very little has been accomplished,” Dr Ofuho told the Press.

He blamed the slow pace of implementing the pact on the death of Dr Garang, last year.

(The Nation)

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