Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan and UN mobile forces

By Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa*

Jan 19, 2006 — The situation in Sudan has become chronic and puzzles everyone, as the magnitude of the events has inflicted the whole country from south to north and from west to east. These measures are Khartoum’s design to grip and click on power without a resilient solution to the country’s quandary. The south-north conflict took more than two decades to reach to the peace agreement, after claiming more than 2.5 million lives. When the Darfur crisis erupted and reached its peak, the Khartoum government faulted the Humanitarian organizations, international community and NGOs of exaggerating the situation in Darfur, saying that the situation in Darfur was not chaotic as been stipulated by the foreign media, and refused to admit that there is problem in Darfur and to allow access of relief to the region with pretext that it is Sudanese internal affairs. These are Sudanese nationals and Khartoum government has obligation towards them, but as she has failed to shield its own citizens, the international community shouldn’t be silent but has to intervene to avert human suffering.

The AU forces in Darfur have failed to shelter and to deter Khartoum’s attacks against civilians and have become dormant, inactive and puppets in the hands of Khartoum government. Their presence constitutes nothing but instead permits Khartoum government to continue with its atrocities against the innocent civilians. The international community should not allow this situation to continue indefinitely, but has to seek for the best option or to reinstate the frail AU troops with UN mobile forces capable to safeguard civilians and to deter Khartoum and Janjaweed attacks.

On January 13, 2006 Sudan Foreign Minister said “we think the AU is doing a good job and so far they have not said they are unable to do that job, and went on to say that naturally what should happen is to give them money they want!” I wonder what do Foreign Minister meant by, “we think”, what does it imply, and who is naturally to give the money, the situation in Darfur is self explanatory and it doesn’t necessitate any kind of opinion formation! As whether AU forces are doing good job can be verified and evaluated on the ground. But as far as the scale of violence and attacks continuous, it is evident that AU not up to the job, and they will never come up and say that we are unable to do that job! And it is ridiculous to the international community to continue funding and backing fragile AU without an alternative option and turning blind eyes to the suffering of the people on the ground.

The Foreign Minister went on to question the integrity of the UN mobile forces, saying that what they would do other than what the African forces can do? I believe the Foreign Minister wasn’t talking in his own tongue, and has forgotten that AU forces came poorly equipped and without logistical support and materials, and he was aware who is providing the logistical support and fuel to these forces! I think we have to watch our tongues carefully before we speak out. Africa has got a long history of failure to resolve its own problems and it is not only in Darfur. As Africans we have to confess and admit that we are incompetent to resolve our own crisis unless with assistance from outside Africa. Thus, why rejecting proposed UN mobile forces with tactical air supports, helicopters and the aptitude to respond swiftly to avert the suffering of our brothers and sisters? Are there any countries in Africa who would offer such kind of capacity with very sophisticated equipment and logistical support? NO. Each African country is profoundly defending its presiding over power and less concerned with the continent’s persistent troubles and its human suffering!

The development retardation and poverty in Africa, is generally due to the continuous internal conflicts, either between countries or within a country, and that is evidential in case of Sudan, as she has been in hostilities with herself for the past fifty years, and has no inclination for the peace prevalence in the country! And that was apparent in Khartoum’s current attempt to oust SPLM from Hamesh Koreb with pretext that they botched to withdraw from the town as scheduled in the CPA implementation modalities! This wasn’t the actual grounds for the Khartoum’s provocative proceed, but national congress wanted to display to its partner (SPLM) that she has the upper hand and will implement the CPA in its own terms. Sudanese government denies any involvement of SAF in the current attempt to expel SPLM from Hamesh Koreb, and insisted that it is the Popular Defense Forces. This allegation totally not acceptable, as the PDF is receiving its instructions directly from President Bashir, and will never act on its own! The Khartoum’s art of divide and confuse is clearly taking its shape in every corner of the country, and this is a real threat and violation of the peace agreement. To date, the Sudan Armed Forces have not yet redeployed northwards or withdrawn from main towns of south, and has sixty thousand troops alone in Juba, and SPLM never attempted to expel them! This great number of SAF in Juba is disturbing to civilians and poses a real threat to the peace, and it is the very army aiding the Lord’s Resistance Army.

The entire situation in Sudan is very perplexing whether being in south or west or east, and one doubts as whether Khartoum is real faithful and up to its word to make inclusive peace in Sudan? As there isn’t obvious signal that Sudan will finally revolve hostilities era and open a nationwide peace chapter! In south, there are issues which have to be tackled amicably through south-south dialogue to resolve indifferences between Khartoum’s backed southern militias and the SPLM. As the current press release by SSUDA/SSDF is very disturbing and poses actual threat to the unity of south and peace process in particular. Thus, as sons and daughters of south Sudan, we should not consent our enemies to disintegrate and plant seeds of hatred and division among us. I believe we have to understand that even though if we changed our gown, color, collaborated with enemy and betrayed our brothers and sisters, yet we remain Southerners at the eyes of our enemies, and at the end of the day, we will pay same price! Hence, let us not be myopic and egotistic but have to have perception, vision and build a better future for our coming generation.

National congress has engulfed and planted its Anya-nya seeds in every corner of Sudan to jeopardize the entire peace process, Janjaweed in west, southern militias in south and PDF in east. And that was obvious by the incited displaced and primary school pupil demonstration in El Fasher on January 17, 2006 against UN intervention in Darfur. This is perceptible exploitation of the people’s illiteracy and poverty, as these displaced and school children are the very people who require the UN protection to safeguard their return to their respective areas. But contrary they were being obligated to turn against their will to the best interest of Khartoum.

* Watts Roba Gibia Nyirigwa is a Sudan Tribune columnist, he can be reached at [email protected]

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