Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SSDF RP: Peace Agreement – Yes but no peace in the South


Feb 28, 2006 — Fighting that began last month from the SPLA attacking civilians and SSDF in the South is beginning to intensify. On 28 February 2006 SPLM/A forces lead by Cdr. Chayout and defector attacked SSDF controlled areas in Eastern Jikany and Gajak Nuerland. Commander Charles Lam of the renegade SPLM/A attempted to reinforce SPLM/A forces in the Lou Nuer in Central Upper Nile but was repulsed. In al these incidents, the SPLM/A forces have been inflicted with bloody noses and decisively defeated and disseminated by the gallant SSDF. SSDF field command has strongly warned the SPLA leader in Khartoum Mr. Slava Kiir to take heed of these incursions in the name of disarming the locals by employing a brute forces. Dr. Riak Machar a defector from the SSDF should be held accountable for instability in the Nuer country. The Nuer people who have supported him like the messiah for years should re-examine Dr.Machar’s leadership now and then and where expects it to take us a people and a nation. The SPLA is committing atrocities in the South comparable to the atrocities being committed in Darfur. The difference here is that the SPLA are agents of the United States and the GOS. We expect a full scale war in the South by the end of March. Many innocent civilians will continue to be killed as the failed US policy driven by the State Department continues.

The South is being destabilized by the US supported SPLA and the entire Horn of Africa may enter into war if these policies continue. The SSDF will not succumb and give up our land and our resources. The SSDF has the capacity and the ability to crash the SPLM/A throughout south Sudan. We forewarn the SPLM/A leadership not to provoke a war with the anticipation that the US would intervene on its behalf was done by the Uganda, Eritrea and Ethiopia in 1998 foiled invasion of Eastern Equatoria.

We urge and appeal to all South Sudanese nationalists to unite against the criminals and corrupt SPLM/A. It is leading our unity in the wrong direction. The south could soon disintegrate and each region goes its own. This would be detrimental to long treacherous struggle for over four generations. We should all remember that SPLM/A policies could not liberate us but they will destroy us. SSUDA/SSDF stands up for a united and pluralistic democratic South Sudan. We urge and appeal to southern nationalists and pro-independence South whether they are in the SPLM/A, SSDF or non-partisans to come join hands together to declare to the world our long awaited political independence. You should rest assured and understand that no one in world would do this for us except our unity to achieve this objective. It could be done and it will be in the foreseeable distant future. So, do not be shock and surprise by such an announcement soon.

God Bless the People of south Sudan. Long live the struggle for freedom, democracy, equality and social justice for all! Forward back ward never!

– Professor David Chand, PhD,
Spokesman/Director for External Affairs, SSUDA/SSDF

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