Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfur top mediator reiterates AU commitment to protect women rights

Mar 9, 2006 (ABUJA) — The AU Special Envoy and Chief Mediator for Darfur peace talks, Dr Salim Ahmed Salim, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day reiterated the commitment of the AU to promote and protect the rights of women.

Salim Ahmed Salim
Salim Ahmed Salim
Salim congratulated the women of Darfur, on this occasion and acknowledges their role and contribution towards peace in their homeland, said a press statement issued on 8 March by the AMIS spokesperson, Noureddine Mezni.

He expressed his concern regarding the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation on the ground, which has had a particularly deleterious effect on women, particularly, the gender based violence, indignities and other abuses suffered by the vast majority of women in Darfur

He noted the fact that gender issues are beginning to feature in the discussions and that women-specific provisions are being incorporated into the texts under negotiations in Abuja

He further urged the Parties, as they negotiate, to consider the special situation of women and make provision for the specific needs of women in Darfur and to conclude the negotiations during the 7th Round of the Talks with a Comprehensive Agreement, to end the suffering of many innocent people in Darfur


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