Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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LRA rebels clashes with Ugandan army, SPLA in southern Sudan

Mar 16, 2006 (JUBA) — The Ugandan army clashed with the LRA rebels in Bahr al-Jabal State southern Sudan. The Sudan People’s Liberations Army (SPLA) seconded the Ugandan army. Causalities were not available to the press, the Juba Post reported.

The Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels who crossed into Lainya County last week entered Mukaya Payam and clashed with Ugandan People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) at Warago area North of Yei Kobo river.

The UPDF both on the ground and air followed the LRA rebels and the helicopter gunship could be seen scooping in the area of the battle.

The citizens of Mukaya at Soka village had fled their area and some had moved to Yei others ran to hidings in the nearby bushes. The casualties on both sides were not disclosed to the press, however, people fleeing from the area stated that exchanging of light machines gun fire and mortars shots were heard.

According to the executive director of Yei River County Aggrey Cyrus, the LRA rebels were rounded up by both the SPLA Forces and the UPDF.

In a meeting by UNOCHA Yei office and the commissioner of Yei and Lainya county, the area of Lainya and Yei across River Yei and Kobo is now considered insecure and NGOs such as ZOA Refuge Care have closed temporarily in Lainya County. The UN peace monitors informed the two commissioners that for the area to be called level four is when NGOs cease to operate in region due to security reasons.

The attack has displaced 78 households with a total population of 512 people in Biri Boma. The internally displaced people (IDPs) deserted their area due to fear of another attack. The IDPs are now in Yondoru and Dimu, two centre in Boma with no shelter, water nor food.

According to Boma Administrator of Biri Clement Juma Saimon, the security situation in his area has grown from bad to worse. Most of the people displaced are in total fear of the next attack as LRA rebels frequently cross through this route. He added that the government must address the issue of insecurity in the area because people are going to face hunger. The cultivation of the land is now disturbed as well as the education of the children.

Meanwhile in Bahr-al Jabal State two villages were looted over the weekend, one near the Bilinyang mountains and the other at Mogiri. No casualties were reported but the villagers were completely looted.

(Juba Post/ST)

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