Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The out comes of Lou Nuer peoples’ Yuai Conference

By David Kueth Yuol*

Mar 11, 2006 — Some people still thinks it is Lou Nuer’s fault, other thinks it is SPLA, and some blame it on Simon Gatwech Dual’s arm force.

Lou Nuer /SPLA fight was started over the SPLA’s misrepresentation to the Lou Nuer Community. The innocent Lou Nuer folks who doesn’t have clue about the upcoming incident into their community have no intention to harm the SPLA soldiers, but were attempted to protect themselves from any danger encountered their lovely society.

Starting in the mid 1980s, all Southern Sudanese people realize the negative effects of scientific management of the SPLA government structure. Many people fear their life due to the lack of confidentiality and the SPLA brutality acts toward its own people. All Southern Sudanese communities need something like that categorized below to understand the disarmament procedures.

After the signing of the (CPA) early last year, the SPLA should come up with formulating and an omnibus policy with respect to crime reduction and disarmament process in Southern Sudan. SPLA might begin by tying to list all related variables that contributed to the crime and those associate with in all Southern Sudanese Communities: demographics of people residing in each community, number of heavy machine guns, and all rifles as such.

The SPLA should request more specific information from each society leaders to determine where problem might exist in the practitioners’ view of the GOSS system.

SPLA should also work closely and wisely with its own troop by providing them with litigation policy that would not jeopardizes the CPA in the country.

From there, the Southern Sudanese people along with SPLA soldiers and the GOSS government body would derive positive personal experience from each others as long as the Communities realized that they are recognized by their new government system.

Yet, the SPLA do it their way that bring such a chaotic conflict between its soldiers and Lou Nuer Community. As a leader of such victimized community, I would like to express my penultimate word to the GOSS and the SPLA Major Generals that lets not extirpate the peace in our country. The administration of the CPA is yours, however, if you (GOSS) fail to hold it firmly, it will collapsed in your hands; meanwhile the international communities will condemn you.

The Conference in Yuai went smoothly; Lou Nuer Community elders and the tribal chiefs agreed to handle their weapons to the GOSS and the SPLA with condition of only when all communities surrounding Lou Nuer Geographical areas are also disarmed at the same time. We are very keen to see peace growing, follow by development of the devastated areas in Southern Sudan

* David Kueth Yuol is a 3rd year Criminal Justice Student at National University in San Diego, California: He can be reached at [email protected]

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