Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA officer death in traffic incident provokes fury

By Manyang Mayom

Mar 26, 2006 (RUMBEK) — One SPLA officer killed and another one severely injured in South Sudan in a traffic incident in the town while a group of SPLA officer were in weekend getaway to Lake State’s Rumbek.

Lt._Col_Makur_Akec_.jpgA group of the SPLA officers came out from their barrack in Malou near Rumbek at the mid day to visit the town” within this group’s one young officer fall down when Lorry was passing on the road jumper.

One man SPLA officer died immediate and one officer injury and is now under medical supervision in Rumbek regional hospital (CCM) run by an Italian organization.

Details remained sketchy Sunday about the injured officer.

After the incident SPLA elements were furious for the death of their comrade. Tension loomed in the town. The whole market was closed down. The lorry driver responsible for the death of the SPLA officer was imprisoned in unknown location to protect him.

“Look we are not joking with the drivers” said a SPLA young officer.

The situation now in Lakes State’s Rumbek is normal; many SPLA officers are commanded by their senior officers to return to their respective barracks.


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