Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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US peace activists organize a protest against Darfur genocide

Mar 31, 2006 (WASHINGTON) — American peace and rights groups organized a protest against the Darfur genocide at the Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC.

On the morning of 29 March, several dozen people gathered at the statue of Gandhi at the nearby Indian Embassy, holding signs depicting the victims and survivors of the ethnic violence in Darfur.

They marched to the Sudanese Embassy, where they handed out leaflets to passers-by. Several demonstrators spoke, including Holocaust survivor Helen Goldstein.

Mrs. Goldstein said “My name is Helen Goldstein. I am a survivor of Auschwitz and
Bergen-Belsen. The reason why I came here today is because when I was
a little girl nobody spoke out for us. I want to speak up for others.
Nobody should have to be punished or killed because they’re of any
color or religion. Please, the world should hear us now. There was
nothing done fifty, sixty years ago when Hitler did to the Jews what
they [motions towards Sudanese embassy] are doing now.”

Nine protesters were arrested. Three were arrested first on a charge of disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly. Six more demonstrators came
forward to block the stairs, and they, too, were arrested.

Those arrested were Ms. Cussen, of the Catholic Worker in South Bend,
Indiana; Al Guilmette, of Leominster, Massachusetts; David Maher, of
West Brookfield, Massachusetts; Mike Benedetti, Ken Hannaford-Ricardi,
and Scott Schaeffer-Duffy of Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Worker
in Worcester, Massachusetts; and Clark University students Philip
Loomis, Ryan Smith, and Lia Volat of Worcester, Massachusetts.

The protest was organized by Scott Schaeffer-Duffy and the other organizers are part of the Catholic Worker movement, a group of Roman Catholics who work for peace and justice. Two of the organizers visited Darfur in December 2004 to distribute aid and gather information:

The event was co-sponsored by Amnesty International chapters at Auburn High School (Auburn, MA) and Anna Maria College; Clark University groups: Hillel, Black Student Union, Peaceworks, Model United Nations; Peace and Social Concerns Comittee of the Worcester (Massashusetts) Friends Meeting; and Peace Initiative Sri Lanka.

On the net: http://www.pieandcoffee.org/2006/03/30/nine-arrested-in-darfur-protest/


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