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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Eritrea and Ethiopia deserve to live in peace

By Ibrahim A. Ibrahim

April 5, 2006 — Africa as a continent is still suffering from post colonial symptoms. This post colonial symptom is engineered by the former masters, of the colonial era. The most common problem created among others is the so called boundaries. This boundaries created wall among nations, as if two sisterly nations are living apart in different planets. This imaginary wall is also playing unparalleled role in the daily life of inhabitant, affecting political, social, cultural, and economical aspects.

Due to this imaginary wall, a reader or observer can simply taint a citizen of a country to be as such personality. This in no doubt is among the undeniable obstacles that Africans have to work hard to tackle.

In order to come out defiantly, from the post colonial symptoms, it is important to adopt, an African personality based on the rule of law that is agreed upon. Most of the conflicts that are negatively affecting the common people of Africa is to allow chaos in spite of rule of law. Sponsored and mentor by former colonizers and current influential powers.

Ethiopia and Eritrea, fought for more than 30 years, with the aim the latter wanted to be independent, while Ethiopia wants to occupy without the will and consent. Never the less Eritrea defiantly won its independence. Hundreds of thousands was sacrificed. After all these irreparable damages,independent Eritrea extended handed to its former arch foe to live in peace and harmony. Both countries have enjoyed respect from the world community, and undoubtedly economic progress at the time.

Some Eritreans raised critical question to their government on compensation and damage reparations from Ethiopia’s 30 years of occupation. The cadre’s of the government wisely seised the case and convinced the people, stating “nothing good is coming from it but to raise new animosity for which no Eritrean wants to go through.”

Unfortunately, Ethiopia provoked Eritrea for not respecting the territorial integrity of Eritreans in the mutual border. Ethiopia evicted Eritreans from their homes in the Afar areas and the Badme environs The Government of Eritrea worked hard to solve it in peaceful manner sitting on round table, amicably, and in a civilized manner. To the contrary Ethiopia took wrong steps that ignited the second war, tens of thousands became the victims. Later the famous ” Algiers Peace Agreement ” was signed. As part of the agreement both sides agreed to the boundary panels (elected by both countries) ruling would be final and binding.

The panel also known as EEBC (Eritrea Ethiopia Border Commission) gave its verdict. Ethiopia however, did not abide by its agreement. Here the neocolonial and influential powers, influenced their hidden agenda, and encouraged Ethiopia to resist.

I wonder if the leaders in Ethiopia understand the consequence and precedence of ignoring, rejecting, and or not abiding by the treaties and agreements. Similarly I question the leaders of the sisterly nation Sudan, and other African nations, will ever trust Ethiopia.

In conclusion defying the rule of law should not and will not be to the benefit of Africa. To the contrary will benefit the former colonizers of the continent and influential ill-advised powers. African Union and the member countries, have moral and ethical obligation to advise Ethiopia, the consequences and misery that might come from this. Eritrea and Ethiopia, deserve to live in peace and harmony

* Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, is the Former Bank of Eritrea Administrator, Now he is living in the US.

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