Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Highlights of Darfur Peace Agreement, last-minute modifications

May 5, 2006 (ABUJA) — Following the three pages text elaborated by the International mediators to convince the different rebel groups in Abuja to sign the Darfur Peace Agreement on Friday 5 May 2006.


. Requires complete, verifiable disarmament of Janjaweed militia by mid-October, 2006. Provides milestones such as the containment of Janjaweed and other armed militias into specific restricted areas prior to disarmament, removal of heavy weapons, specific assurances of security in assembly areas of the rebel movements, and other steps to contain, reduce, and ultimately eliminate the threat posed by such forces.

. Places restrictions on the movements of the Popular Defense Forces and requires their downsizing.

. A detailed sequencing and phasing schedule ensures that Janjaweed and other armed militia will be disarmed before rebel forces assemble and prepare for their own disarmament and demobilization. African Union peacekeepers will inspect and certify that areas are safe and secure prior to rebel assembly.

. Sudanese government must punish ceasefire violations by Janjaweed and other armed militia including the PDF, including through immediate disarmament and demobilization.

. Establishes buffer zones around IDP camps and humanitarian assistance corridors, into which rebel forces and Sudanese Armed Forces cannot go.

? Defines the principles for integration of the rebel forces into the Sudanese Armed Forces and police.
– 4,000 former combatants will be integrated into the army.
– 1,000 former combatants will be integrated into the police.
– 3,000 will be supported through education and training programs to assist in the civilian reconstruction and development of Darfur.

. Provides for strong rebel forces representation in the leadership positions (officers and commanders) of the Sudanese Armed Forces.

. Requires the Sudanese Government of National Unity to review security institutions, especially paramilitary forces, and to ensure professionalism, effectiveness, and a focus on the rule of law.


. Gives the rebel movements the 4thhighest position in the Sudanese Government of National Unity; Senior Assistant to the President and Chairperson of the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority.

. Clearly establishes the Senior Assistant and Chairperson of the TDRA as the dominant political leader in Darfur, and in Khartoum as the senior Darfurian representative in the Government of National Unity.

. Establishes democratic processes for the people of Darfur to choose their leaders and determine their status as a region.
– A popular referendum by July 2010 to decide whether to establish Darfur as a unitary region with a single government.
– Elections at every level of government shall be held not later than July 2009, in accordance with the Interim National Constitution.

. For the three-year period prior to elections:
– Grants the rebel movements chairmanship and control (at least 8 of 10 seats) in the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority. This body is responsible for implementation of the peace agreement in Darfur.
– Allocates to the rebel movements twelve seats in the National Assembly in Khartoum.
– Allocates to the rebel movements twenty-one seats in each of the Darfur State legislatures.
– Awards to the rebel movements one State Governor of Darfur, and two Deputy State Governors.
– Allocates to the rebel movements senior positions in State Ministries.
– Guarantees to the rebel movements key posts in local governments.


. Creates fund for Darfur Reconstruction and Development GNU will contribute $300 million initially and then $200 million/year for 2 additional years.

. Calls for a Joint Assessment Mission – modeled on the one done for Southern
reconstruction after the Comprehensive (North-South) Peace Agreement – to determine the specific reconstruction and development needs of Darfur.

. Commits the international community to holding a donors conference to pledge additional funds for Darfur, and invites the Chairperson of the IDRA to present to that conference a summary of needs and priorities.

. Establishes a commission to work with the United Nations to help refugees and displaced persons return to their homes.

. Creates a commission to provide compensation to victims of the conflict.

. Creates transparent process to track the flow of grants and monies from Khartoum into Darfur.


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