Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No to tribalist campaign against S. Sudan’s Riek Machar

By William Deng Malwal*

May 17, 2006 — After intensive investigation of the points you mentioned in your article toSudan Tribune against the Vice President of GoSS H.E. Dr. Riek Machar
(dated 09 May 2006, Title: “South Sudan Riek Machar, What a leader!”), we came to the conclusion that the article is totally based on false accusations, is motivated by tribalism, and is an attempt to damage the name
and reputation of Dr. Riek Machar Teny. It is in fact an attempt to silence the ongoing discussion among Southern Sudanese as to why some tribes who ought to be participating fully in the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and the Government of National Unity (GONU) are been systematically excluded
from government institutions, of which they deserve to be a part. Some of these tribes who have been marginalised from participating in the GOSS and GONU are the Nuers, the Bara and the Zandi, just to mention a few. If you
know Riek Machar well, you should apologise yourself for the baseless accusations and propaganda you have levelled against him. It seems that the author of the mentioned paper is being used by those who dislike the Vice President of GOSS because of the quality of his leadership and the hard work he does for South
Sudan. Dr. Machar has never supported corruption and has never been involved in corruption. To the contrary, he has been and still is fighting
corruption. He is not a man who manipulates power. As far as I know, Dr. Machar will never be involved in corruption.

– Relationship between Salva and Riek
Riek Machar supports the leadership of President Salva Kiir and will not
work to undermine that. He knows that working against one another will only
aid the enemies of Southern Sudan and Sudan in general. Machar is a true
nationalist, who likes South Sudanese, Nuer, Dinka, Bara and other Sudanese
tribes alike. But those enemies of peace and equality in Sudan and South
Sudan, in particular a few Dinka from Bor, such as you, Mr. Arcuil, and
those who try to use you, are the ones creating evil and smearing the image
of an honourable person like Machar, in order to give the impression that
Nuers, specifically Dr. Machar, are tribalists, when they react negatively
to such evil creations. Those who know the tribal policy in Southern Sudan
are very well aware that the Nuers are not tribalists but want equality and
justice for all in our beloved country Sudan, and in the South in
particular. Yes, the split within the ranks of the SPLM/SPLA in 1991 brought
a great suffering to our people. We must condemn that. But this was not the
work of Dr. Riek Machar. It was partly the policies of the Movement and its
leadership during that time, headed by our late hero Dr. John Garang de
Mabor (may God give his soul peace!), that led to the split in the SPLM. If
Machar had not been there, Dinka from Bahr el Ghazal would have split from
the SPLM, led by Bor Dinka, in 2003 or 2004. (See the Rumbek Meetings of the
SPLM in 2004.) Dr. Machar was working hard, mediating between Bor Dinka, led
by the late Garang, and Dinka Bahr el Ghazal, led by Salva Kiir and Bona
Malwal. Dr. John Garang knew that a united South is the key to success.
Garang came from the Upper Nile and knew that without Nuers support the
liberation of Sudan and South Sudan could not be achieved. For that reason,
he tried to reconcile with Riek Machar and bring him closer to him, because
the Nuers are a powerful political force who cannot be oppressed or ignored
for long. With the death of Dr. John Garang, it appears that the differences
between Bor Dinka and those of Bahr el Ghazal have been put aside, at least
for the time being. That is to be welcomed by all of us. But this does not
mean that the dialogue and reconciliation which we agreed upon on several
occasions should be cast aside. At the same time, the reconciliation within
the South has been progressing positively. So, after a long road to peace
and reconciliation among different groups in Southern Sudan through
“South-South-Dialogue,” which resulted in the “Nairobi Declaration” between
the SPDF and SPLM in 2002, we all agreed that our people should open a new
page and forgive one another. This led to the signing of the “Covenant of
the People of the South,” mediated by Kenyan President Danial Aru Moi in
2005. We all agreed that the spirit of unity and reconciliation among our
people must also be reflected in the formation of the Government of
Southern Sudan (GOSS) and the Government of National Unity (GONU). To our
surprise and to the surprise of many people in the South, Sudan and the
world at large, this was not achieved. Now the writer of the mentioned article is trying to
put the blame for this unjust way of doing things on Dr. Machar by saying
that he and his family have taken six positions in the GOSS, “whereas the
Nuer communities complain of under-representation.” Do you think that a
large and powerful tribe like the Nuers, who fought hard during the struggle
for liberation should be represented by only two Ministers in the GOSS and
two Junior State Ministers in the GONU? The Nuers have the right to complain
to Lt. General Salva Kiir for allowing them to be so under-represented.
President Kiir should not be allowed to make the same mistakes which were
made during the Bor rule of the Regional Government for Southern Sudan in
1972. The people of the South have placed great hope in President Kiir and
the Dinka from Bahr el Gazhal that they will work for equality and fair
repesentation of our people! President Kiir and the Dinka from Bahr el
Gazhal were seen by many as people of equality and justice, who would make a
difference in the GOSS and the GONU after assuming power. The formation of
GOSS and GONU was in fact an insult to all Nuers. I am saying that as member
of the SPLM. The recent appointment of ambassadors was the fourth shock and
another blow to hopes of equality for many Sudanese and foreigners alike.
The Nuers were represented by only one ambassador, whereas nine were Dinka.
Bara and Zandi were not given a single position. It is not only the Nuers
who are complaining of marginalisation in the institutions of the
governments, rather a majority of Southern Tribes are not happy about what
has happened. On the 5th of April 2006, the SPLM, under the Chairmanship of
H.E. Lt. General Salva Kiir, organised a new structure for the SPLM
Movement. Riek Machar was demoted to number three. Why? Again, Nuers were
under-represented. We hope that these mistakes will be rectified by the SPLM
and by Chairman Salva Kiir sooner rather than later. We cannot blame the
north for marginalising the South, while we ourselves are copying the same
system of manipulating power into the hands of the nearest tribes or clans.
But now is the time to show the world that we can do better than the North
by creating a system of fair representation. Where is the vision of the New
Sudan? I hear people saying, this is our chance, it is the chance of Dinka,
it is a chance for Bahr el Ghazal Dinka, and President Kir should do
whatever he wants without consultation, e.g. with his Vice President. If
that is the case, if the president should do everything alone, then why do
we have a parliament? Why do we have a Vice President? Why do we have a
cabinet? I remember when people blamed the late hero Dr. John Garang for
making most of his decisions alone or with only a few close allies.
Everybody said he was a dictator. Our advice to Salva Kiir is to work with
Vice President Machar in all decisions, not only with his few close advisers
in the palaces in Khartoum! Whatever both men agree upon should be
implemented as it is and should not be allowed to be amended in Khartoum or
anywhere else. Kiir must demonstrate to all Southern Sudanese that he is
their president by establishing a good government that is based on the fair
representation of all groups and tribes in all institutions of government in
Southern Sudan.

– The wife of Dr. Riek Machar.
The wife of Dr. Riek Machar is a well-known fighter and member of the SPLM.
She is highly educated and was and is very active in the SPLM, e.g. in
London, UK. She did not get her position through Dr. Machar alone, as you
put it, Mr Acuil. The SPLM appointed her to the position of Minister of
State because she deserved the position. Mrs Machar would have been a good
governor for the Unity State, like Governor Taban Deng Gai. Her appointment
to State Minister has nothing to do with Dr. Riek Machar, as you claimed.

– Claims of the destruction of the CPA.
You complained that Dr. Machar is trying to destroy the South and the CPA.
That is totally baseless, tribalist propaganda against the Vice President of
Southern Sudan. Dr. Machar is working hard to make sure that the CPA comes
to a successful end, despite the many problems facing it within the Southern
camp and the National Congress, and that the people of Southern Sudan go to
referendum in year 2011, as agreed in the CPA. If you can remember, it has
been the goal of Dr. Machar since 1991 to give the people of the South a
chance to decide their future in a referendum. This self-determination was
accepted as part of the Khartoum Peace Agreement of 1997, which was brought
about by Machar himself, and in Sudan’s constitution, for the first time in
the country’s history, because Machar worked hard for it. It was Dr. Machar
who raised the issue of referendum, or self-determination, for the South in
the first place. So Dr. Machar could not work to destroy the CPA or the
South, which he loves so much and has fought for for many years.

– The Appointment of Commander Taban Deng
CRD Taban Deng was put forward by the late hero Dr. Garang to become either
Minister for Commerce and Supply or Governor of Unity State. So what is
wrong with Lt. General Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and the SPLM leadership
agreeing to appoint him Governor of that state? As you might have heard,
Taban is a capable man and can fit in any position in Sudan.

– Machar was trying to undermine the authority of President Salva Kiir?
It is mentioned in the article that Dr. Machar was trying to undermine the authority of President Salva Kiir, because he went for a visit outside Juba, or South Sudan, even though Salva Kiir advised him to stay there. Why should the Vice President be confined only to Juba while he is acting as President of GOSS? This is again an attempt to create conflict between the Vice President and the President. This is a very old methodology
used by those who would like to get rid of both men, because they know that
if there is a rift between Kiir and Machar, they will get their chance to
come in and destroy the South. For example, some people from the Bor Dinka
community were not happy that the leadership went to Bahr el-Ghazal, and to
Salva Kiir in particular, because, according to them, “Bor are born to rule
and not born to be ruled by anyone,” not even other Dinkas. They also argue
that Kiir is not educated. Our advice to Kiir and Machar is: Please work
together and forgive one another! Because if you do not cooperate with each
other, we will have problems in the South. There will be divisions, tribalism and all that we knew before. Everyone must be aware of that! Macahr is not only a leader for South Sudan, he is a integrating figure
among the Nuers. There is no alternative to him at this time. His release
from his current position as Vice President will create many problems for
the South. South Sudan needs him now more than ever before. So people should
not try to work for his down fall!

– On the appointment of Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhail as Minister for SPLA
No one could understand why General Matip could not occupy the position of
Minister for SPLA Affairs. He is a capable soldier and has brought a large
army to the SPLA since the “Juba Declaration”. His appointment to the rank
of Minister for SPLA Affairs would have been good. Dr. Machar, as Vice
President and an important Southern Sudanese and SPLM leader, has the right
to suggest someone for a position as much as any other SPLM member. This has
nothing to do with manipulating the cabinet or manipulating power.

– Turning the Southern Sudan Parliament against the Vice President.
In regard to the point in your article in which you urge the Southern Sudan
Parliament to address your baseless accusations against the Vice President,
I believe our parliamentarians in Juba are aware of the intentions of
enemies of peace and tribalist people, and therefore
will dismiss their propaganda and reject call to arms against our
beloved Vice President Riek Machar. Our parliamentarians should not be
wasting their time on tribal business! The regional Government of 1972
failed largely because of tribal politics, e.g. Bor against Equatorian, Jur
against Dinka, and so on. Because of these divisions among the Southern
tribes, the door was open to enemies, and subsequently, the regional
government of the South was dismantled and divided into smaller, weaker
regions. This should not repeat itself in 2006 or during the time of the
CPA. The South must work together! The struggle for freedom is not over, we
need a united South, and we need to arrive at the referendum in 2011. We
need to create a country that is free of tribalism. We need a country where
majority and minority alike have equal rights. That is only possible if the
South, under the SPLM, Salva Kiir, Riek Machar, Wani Iga, Pugum Amum, Wiey
Deng Ajak, Paulino Matip Nhial and many other leaders work together! A “one
man show” will not liberate the South or create a united New Sudan!

– White Nile Petroleum.

White Nile Petroleum was the idea of the SPLM, and the late Chairman John
Garang in particular. Now people like you, Mr Acuil, are against Dr. Machar
because of this company. Why are you behaving that way, when you know the
facts about the company? Please contact your close friends within the GOSS
and the SPLM and ask them about White Nile Petroleum. You will definitely
be surprised.

– Building houses in Juba.
One should know that it is very expensive indeed to build a modern house. The costs depend on the kind of house, the materials and the
manpower. In an expensive city like Juba, no reasonable person will accuse
Riek Machar of wrongdoing for attracting African companies, such as those
from Kenya and South Africa, to build houses in Juba. As everybody knows,
there is no accommodation whatsoever in Juba, and for this reason, everybody
is asking what the GOSS and the Minister for Housing plan to do about that.
Some ministers from GOSS are still living in tents or camps, like refugees.
The decision should be left to Dr. Machar, as Minister of Housing, along
with his colleagues in the ministry, and should not involve other cabinet
Ministers, who are not responsible for housing concerns in the first place.
What should happen is that the cabinet should discuss the general policies
of the Government and should leave the rest to the responsible ministries.

– Concerning delivering of basic services to people in Juba.

If you were in Juba, you would be ashamed by the lack of basic
services, such as electricity, and many other services which are urgently
needed by the people of Juba and the investors who are trying to come into
the national capital of Southern Sudan in order to help our people. Imagine
that telecommunications are not functioning well in Juba and in the South as
a whole. Who can do business or invest in a country where there is no
functioning communication? Communication is the most important necessity of
a modern country like Southern Sudan. There is a urgent need for the
Government of Southern Sudan to offer services in these areas. Dr. Machar,
as Vice President and Minister for Housing, Land and Public Utilities, has a
responsibility in this case to act whenever he can and not waste time. Mr.
Acuil, you should thank Dr. Machar for making it possible to bring “5 high
speed generators” to rescue Juba from further collapse and marginalisation.

In conclusion, I appeal to you, Mr. Acuil, not to allow yourself to be used by those who are interested in dividing our people. Please stop this tribalist campaign against Vice President Riek Machar!

* The Author is a political activist and member of the SPLM. He can be reached at [email protected]

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