Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ugandan army kills 226 LRA rebels this year – report

May 22, 2006 (KAMPALA) — The Uganda army has killed 226 rebels of the elusive Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) this year in its operation code-named “Operation Iron Fist”, a latest report said on Monday.

An Ugandan soldier
An Ugandan soldier
According to the Operation Iron Fist Performance Report January 1, 2006 – May 21, 2006 sent to Xinhua by the Army Spokesman’s office, 226 rebels were killed, 69 were captured alive while 36 were forced to surrender.

During the operation, the army recovered 158 lights arms, 11 machine guns, two mortars and 109 bombs of different caliber among other weapons.

The report said nine People’s Defense Force (UPDF) soldiers were killed during the operation while four soldiers were injured.

Operation Iron Fist, which was launched in 2002 covers northern Uganda and southern Sudan. Analysts have described the operation as being largely successful.

A joint operation between the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army and the UPDF forced rebel leader, Joseph Kony and his deputy to flee their bases in southern Sudan and crossed to eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

According to the Ugandan military, about 95 percent of the LRA rebels in southern Sudan have relocated to Garamba National Park in eastern DRC.

“Our forces in southern Sudan have made major success in wiping out these rebels. And because of our fire power, they are fleeing to the DRC,” said the 4th Division army spokesman Lt. Chris Magezi in a recent interview.

President Yoweri Museveni recently gave Kony an ultimatum of 60 days of up to July this year to renounce rebellion and guaranteed his safety.

He said if Kony is serious about a peaceful settlement, the government would guarantee his safety. Kony and four of his commanders had been indicted by the International Criminal Court.

This peace deal which has been described as the final offer by Museveni is the latest attempt by his government to hold talks with Kony. In December 2004, efforts to sign a peace agreement fell through at the last minute.

The LRA has waged war in northern Uganda for nearly two decades, kidnapping thousands of boys and girls, left tens of thousands of people killed and over 1.4 million people homeless.


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