Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Beja Congress calls for UN participation in Eastern Sudan talks

H.E. Mr. Koffi Annan
– Secretary General
– United Nations
– 1 United Nations Plazza
– New York N.Y.10017


The Beja Congress is a political organization established in 1958 to propagate the plight of the Peoples of Eastern Sudan. Its main aim has always been to struggle for the achievement of democracy, equality and fair distribution of wealth and power as a way of ending marginalization and underdevelopment in the Region. The peoples of this part of the Sudan have been subjected to negligence by all governments since time immemorial. Malnutrition, anaemia, tuberculosis, high infancy and maternal mortality rate, illiteracy and poverty are common features of the Region. The masses were kept under these appalling conditions in spite of the fact that their Region supports lavishly the national economy through gold production and harbour and port revenues.

Of all the regimes that ruled the Sudan since independence in 1956 the incumbent government treated the Eastern Region with utmost neglect and harsh brutality on the false assumption that its peoples were supporting some neighbouring states. For example, in the city of Port Sudan, in January 2005 the security forces mercilessly gunned down 27 peaceful demonstrators and injured hundreds. The security forces routinely raid towns and villages killing innocent nomads and burning down their huts and makeshift homes.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed on 9 January, 2005 between the Government of the Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) is widely hoped to bring peace, stability, democracy and development to the Southern Sudan. Likewise, the Abuja Accord signed on 5 May, 2006 between GoS and some warring factions in Dar Four is expected to bring peace and tranquillity in Western Sudan. All Sudanese recognize the effective role the United Nations under your able leadership, played in bringing a happy end to the sufferings of the Sudanese in both Regions. Our main concern remains: What about the East and the Peoples of the Beja?


The question of Eastern Sudan is virtually unknown outside our country. The Beja Congress do not wish the world to come to their rescue when fire breaks out and the atrocities of the security forces of the government flare up and the news of the killings and rape catches the attention of the international media. It is expected the that SPLM/A will pull out its forces from the Eastern Region in accordance with the provisions of CPA, thus leaving the Beja People under the mercy of the merciless.

It has been agreed between the GoS, Eritrea and the Eastern Front to conduct peaceful negotiations between the government of the Sudan and the political forces of the Eastern Front, a union between the Beja Congress and the Free Lions. The negotiations are expected to start on 13 June, 2006 in Asmara under the auspices of the Eritrean Government. The Beja Congress believes that the participation of the United Nations is both crucial and essential. The Congress would as well like to see the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Norway actively engage in these negotiations to avoid repetition of unnecessarily prolonged discussions.


The humanitarian situation in the Region is catastrophic. The community has been left very much to itsself, for thousands of years really, reported recently the IRC.That the Region is in grave condition has been observed by other NGOs. Some 27%the children suffer from acute malnutrition and 52% suffer from long-term deprivation. Mortality is more than dismal: roughly 1.4 per 10,000per day for adults and 2.7 per 10,000 a day for children under 5. These mortality rates surpass the international community’s crisis threshold, classifying the situation in Beja region as a humanitarian emergency case. It was only recently that the government forces expelled two American NGOs used to support some 500,000 Beja villagers. Our urgent appeal goes out to you and the International Community to save the Beja from extinction.


The Beja Congress and other Forces of the Eastern Front are confident that you, as a true son of Africa, will spare no effort in finding a lasting and durable settlement to the sufferings of the Masses in Eastern Sudan and that you will exert utmost pressure on GoS to agree to make the Asmara negotiations fruitful.

Accept, Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration.


Abu Amna

Beja Congress

Eastern Sudan

[email protected]

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