Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Expelled Norwegian aid agency returns to Darfur

June 8, 2006 (Reuters) — Sudan has allowed a Norwegian aid agency to resume its work in Darfur’s most volatile camp after it was accused of political activism and expelled, a government official said on Thursday.

Darfur has the world’s largest humanitarian operation with more than 14,000 aid workers helping 2.5 million people who fled their homes after a rebellion which began in 2003 triggered a revenge campaign of rape, pillage and murder.

Aid agencies say the government has hindered their activities in the western Sudanese region, arresting staff, creating bureaucratic obstacles and even expelling the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in April.

“We have now signed an agreement between us and the Norwegian Refugee Council and now they are working again in Kalma Camp,” said Jamal Youssef Idriss, secretary-general of the government Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in South Darfur.

Kalma Camp, just outside South Darfur’s main town Nyala, is one of the largest camps hosting more than 90,000 Darfuris. Violence is rife there, with residents telling daily stories of rapes, beatings and shootings.

The government says rebels operate from within the camp and accused NRC of inciting the camp residents against them. In early 2005, Kalma camp residents attacked and burned HAC offices. The government agency has never returned.

Last month they also rioted and looted a post belonging to the African Union who are monitoring a shaky ceasefire in the region, beating to death their Sudanese translator.

The refugees say they reject a May 5 peace deal signed by only one of three rebel factions at talks in the Nigerian capital Abuja and mediated by the AU.

They also want U.N. troops to replace the cash-strapped AU mission in Darfur, who are unable to prevent attacks on civilians.


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