Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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AU to impose targeted measures against Darfur holdout rebels

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 58th meeting, held at ministerial level, on 27 June 2006, in Banjul, The Gambia, adopted the following decision on the situation in Darfur:


1- Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the situation in Darfur [PSC/MIN/2(LVIII)];

2- Urges the signatory parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) to fully honor their commitments and to take all required measures to that effect, including refraining from attacks and violations of the comprehensive ceasefire, restraining allied armed militia, releasing detainees and child soldiers, and initiating joint activities regarding the implementation of the DPA;

3- Takes note of the steps already taken by the Chairperson of the Commission towards the implementation of the DPA, including the establishment of an implementation team within the African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS) and of a support team at the AU Headquarters. Council welcomes the offers made by AU partners to assist the Commission and the parties in the implementation process of the DPA;

4- Welcomes the launching of the activities of both the restructured Ceasefire Commission, in El-Fasher, on 13 June 2006, as well as of the Joint Commission, in Addis Ababa, on 23 June 2006. Council stresses the need to conclude, in consultation with all stakeholders, the modalities for their effective functioning;

5- Welcomes further the signing by several political leaders, military commanders and other groups from the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) of Abdulwahid El Nour and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Khalil Ibrahim of a Declaration of Commitment to the DPA and their pledge to fully cooperate in the implementation of its provisions. Council recognizes them as partners in the peace process and requests the Commission, working closely with the signatory parties to the DPA, to develop practical modalities for their effective involvement;

6- Expresses concern at the activities spearheaded, from within Darfur and outside, by the leadership of the SLM/A of Abdulwahid El Nour and the JEM of Khalil Ibrahim and their followers to undermine the DPA;

7- Decides to impose targeted measures, including travel ban and assets freeze, against all persons or groups undermining the DPA, obstructing its implementation, or violating the Comprehensive Ceasefire;

8- Requests that the Chairperson of the Commission establishes the list of all such persons or groups, in consultation with the Joint Commission and all other stakeholders, and communicate the same to all Member States, as well as to other relevant members of the international community, including, in particular, the UN Security Council, which, in its resolution 1679 (2006) of 16 May 2006, expressed its intention to consider taking, including in response to a request by the African Union, strong and effective measures, such as a travel ban and assets freeze, against any individual or group that violates or attempts to block the implementation of the DPA;

9- Takes note of the outcome of the UN/AU joint technical assessment mission that visited the Sudan and Chad from 9 to 22 June 2006 and the position of the Government of Sudan rejecting the proposed transition from AMIS to a UN peacekeeping operation;

10- Reaffirms its decisions of 10 March and 15 May 2006 on ending the mandate of AMIS by 30 September 2006 and on the transition from AMIS to a UN peacekeeping operation. In this regard, Council expresses its readiness to review the mandate of AMIS in the event that the ongoing consultations between the Government of the Sudan and the United Nations conclude on an agreement for a transition to a UN peacekeeping operation;

11- Takes note of the new AMIS Concept of Operations (CONOPS) proposed by the Chairperson of the Commission and recommended by the Military Staff Committee at its meeting of 23 June 2006, and decides to consider it at the appropriate time, in the light of any decision on a transition to the UN and the availability of logistical and financial support. In the interim, Council approves the additional tasks and the new mandate of AMIS, including the protection of civilians within existing strength and capacity, as proposed in the CONOPS;

12- Welcomes the convening in Brussels, on 18 July 2006, of a pledging conference to mobilize the necessary financial and logistical resources for the sustenance of AMIS from 1 April to 30 September 2006. Council urges the AU partners to provide on that occasion the requisite support and further urges all Member States to attend the conference and to make their own contributions in support of AMIS, including by seconding, at their own expenses, qualified personnel to the Mission;

13- Reiterates its strong condemnation of all human rights violation in Darfur, including gender based violence;

14- Appeals to the Member States and the international community at large to provide increased humanitarian assistance to the affected people in Darfur and to the refugees in Chad;

15- Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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