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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan security chief rejects UN force, calls for martyrdom

June 29, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — In a way to show the regime’s opposition to the United Nations force into Darfur region, the Chief of the security service said he prefers to die as martyr instead of accepting international troops.

Gosh_salah1.jpgThe head of Sudan national security and intelligence organ, Lt General Salah Abdalla Gosh has declared on Wednesday 28 June his out right rejection of deployment of International peace-keepers in Darfur: “If the choice is between recolonialisation of Sudan and incursion into its soil by foreign troops, then interior of earth is better than its surface”, he said.

Gosh received messages of support and allegiance at his headquarters, on behalf of president Omer al-Bashir, from 10 thousand members of the security organ and Popular Defence Forces, the Sudanese al-Ray alAam daily newspaper reported.

The security chief made his statement on the occasion that marked the end of a 3-day long walk from the centre of Gezira State to Khartoum in which thousands of security and land-based forces participated in a security operation that has been described as first of its kind.

He reasserted in his speech that the entire country’s leadership prefers death and martyrdom for the sake of Allah to living in a country whose citizens’ wishes and nation’s sovereignty is not respected.

“We will not allow international troops under the U.N. to deploy in Darfur,” Bashir said in an address marking the anniversary of the coup d’Etat that brought him to power in 1989.

The Chief of the Sudanese security service launched threats against political forces which support the UN takeover in Sudan’s troubled region of Darfur.

He said if and when such a battle breaks out, they would begin with “fifth columnists in Khartoum and internal agents of foreign powers who muddle with national and citizens’ security”.

The head of the security service promised that his institution would be at the forefront of the official and popular resistance, which has already been declared by the president. He assured his listeners that they would not tolerate amongst their numbers any traitor who betrays the national soil and its call for martyrdom.

In the same occasion the Minister for Interior, Zubier Bashir Taha assured the audience that the position declared by the president is the only decision that will safeguard the national honour, pride, interests, and will help Sudan regain its sovereignty. That the government is not going to give in to humiliation.

He praised the work of the national security organ, and the dedication of its head, which Zubier described to be toiling tirelessly behind close doors and away from the limelights and noise.

Zubier urged his listeners to take the message of Salah Gosh very seriously because, “he always means his words”.

Then Inse Omer Mohamed Ahmed, addressed the security minister for national security on behalf of Mujahideen: “go forward and not a single person amongst us is going to retreat an inch, even if it means the width of the sea is going to be filled with our bodies”. He spoke about martyrdom and martyrs saying: “we have made a pledge to them and for them that we will never led them down.”

At the end of the gathering, Lt General Salah Gosh received on behalf of the president what was described as “death pledges” from a large number of attendants: “to obey and to be steadfast and confidence in the face of any eminent foreign intervention.”

A number of officers held photos of president Omer al Bashir on which was written the words: “I solemnly promise not to return, and only to the Creator shall I kneel.”


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