Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Beja Congress calls for UN humanitarian intervention in Eastern Sudan


Press Release

BEJA intellecuals Initiate a Letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

July 2, 2006 — Beja intellecuals sent a letter to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan that calls on UN Emergency Operation in Eastern Sudan, which is facing the worst humanitarian disasters of modern time.

The Government of Sudan is expelling NGOs operating in the East, the American International Rescue Committee and Samaritan Purse are just a recent example

The international community, media and donors are neglecting the East

Humanitarian disaster worse than in Darfur

The Beja people need urgently food, medicine, drinking water and shelter.

H.E. Mr. Koffi Annan

Secretary General

United Nations


Beja People Disaster

We Beja doctors and intellectuals would like to write to express our deep concern regarding the tragic tragic situation in Eastern Sudan and appeal to you and to the international community to help the Beja people of Sudan. They are facing one of the worst humanitarian disasters of modern time.This is taking place in the Eastern Sudan just now.

The Beja people are heavily stricken by famine, tuberculosis malnutrition, anaemia, illiteracy, poverty land mines.

The disaster is going to escalate soon in the east, if no strong action is taken immediately to avoid it.

Beja people, a separate ethnic group, live throughout North East Africa; tens of thousands of them are currently trapped in an area of eastern Sudan near the Eritrean border, controlled by the Eastern Front since the late 1990s.

The Government of Sudan does not only neglect the Beja, but even deepened their misery by expelling the few NGOs operating in the East, the American International Rescue Committee and Samaritan Purse are just a recent example.The regime has already sent away many NGOs and highly restricted their operations since its military coup in 1989. Even those fighting TB were expelled. It restricted the flow of food to areas around Hamashkoreib and used food as a weapon against our poor people.

The UN has held the government responsible for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Eastern Sudan and also accused the government of restricting the movements of UN workers in the region which has lead to a large number of the UN staff leaving Kassala for Khartoum.

But to our surprise the UN took no action against the regime, which has largely deepened the disaster, thus leaving the Beja to their ultimate fate.

The international community, media and donors are neglecting the East. As you know the humanitarian disaster is worse than in Darfur and probably in the whole world. Very recent reports from international NGOs have confirmed this fact.

We would like to suggest that the government of Sudan should be put under international pressure so that it enables NGOs operate freely, recognise the exten t of the catastrophe and seek international support needed to manage it.

The gravity of situation must be brought to the attention of the international community urgently. The government of Sudan should be pressurized to grant access to the international community to see the affected areas and assess the situation on the ground and uncover the on going famine and slow extension of our people.

The people need urgently food, medicine, drinking water and shelter.

On the long run they need well planned rehabilitation. Permanent settlement is essential for providing basic services. Safe water supply must be secured by digging wells, by making small barriers on the numerous seasonal streams and the nearby rivers like Setiet, Atbara, Gash and River Nile is not too far if adequate funds are mobilized.

NGOs are requested to deliver long term rehabilitation activities rather than immediate food only.

Rehabilitation of old agricultural schemes in Gash and Baraka is crucial. Agricultural land recently confiscated by the current government should be given back to the Beja.

Small income generating activities should be promoted like sewing, pottery, leather ware, fishing, and small cheese making factories. These are just example but other development programmes need exploration as well.

Schools with boarding houses are essential. Training the Beja youth to become skillful in handicrafts and foster higher education in universities locally or in other countries particularly to train as community health workers are essential.

Infrastructure are at an applauding state in Eastern Sudan. Regional roads, which are essential for delivering services and promote economic growth, need construction.

The Red Sea hills are rich in minerals like gold, gypsum, mica, manganese, quartz etc. which can be exploited for the benefit of the Beja people. Developed countries can help a lot for mutual benefit.


These are just few points to help the Beja urgently and on the long run.

The government of Sudan is very brutal to its people and particularly towards the Beja. It is uncooperative as you know with towards the international community and the NGOs.

We urge the UN to help the NGOs to continue their activities without the threat of being expelled or their work blocked by the government of Khartoum at any time.

Many regards for your efforts

On behalf of the Beja doctors and intellectuals

Dr. Abu Amna
– Beja paediatrician
– Schoeffenstr.26
– 65933 Frankfurt
– Germany

Copies to:

1. WFP


4 . Intergovernmental Authority for Draught & Desertification (IGADD)

5. The European Union

7. The President of the Republic of Sudan

8. WHO

9. African Union

10. Director General of Arab League

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