Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

240 Sudanese back home from Lebanon

July 22, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — Around 240 Sudanese nationals Saturday returned from Lebanon which is currently under heavy bombing from the Israeli forces.

136 of the Sudanese returnees, who arrived through Syria, are holding emergency travel documents issued by Sudan Embassy in Damascus.

A number of the returnees have informed SUNA at Khartoum airport about the tragedies that they have met during their traveling from Lebanon to Syria amid heavy fighting between Hizbuallah and the Israeli troops.

Most of the Sudanese returnees said that they were forces by the heavy fighting and the brutal Israeli bombing to leave behind their properties and money in Lebanon.

They appreciated the role of Sudan Embassy in Syria which beard the cost of their traveling and stay in Syria till their return to Sudan.


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