Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rebecca Garang calls to increase women’s representation in S. Sudan

Aug 7, 2006 (JUBA) — The Minister of Roads and Transport in the Government of Southern Sudan, Rebecca Garang, has called on the Government of Southern Sudan to increase women’s representation in government institutions.

Rebecca_Garang-3.jpgIn an address to the public at the first anniversary of the death of her husband and SPLM leader John Garang, Rebecca said the Government of Southern Sudan has failed to keep its promise of the 25 percent share of representation for women in the government institutions. Nyandeng pointed out that not a single woman was appointed to a diplomatic position in foreign missions and embassies, the Sudan Radio Service (SRS) reported.

“I say this particularly with regard to women representation. There has been a drop in the 25 per cent allocated to women in most institutions and totally forgotten altogether in other cases. For example no woman diplomats or ambassadors have been included in the recent appointment”, Rebecca Garang said.

She urged the SPLM to keep to its promise.

Madam Garang also called upon youth in southern Sudan to take advantage of peace in Sudan to develop themselves. Speaking at the first anniversary of the death of her husband who died in a helicopter crash last year, Rebecca described women and youth as “leaders of tomorrow.” She said women and youth are the only people who can bring peace and reconciliation to the people of Southern Sudan.

“I am calling upon our youth to exploit this period to develop themselves and the whole nation. You are leaders of tomorrow and you should reflect this now. You have to lead yourselves in order for others to follow you” she said.

Madam Garang urged all Sudanese to work together for peace in Sudan, saying it is the only way to build Southern Sudan after two decades of civil war.


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