Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Minawi reiterates Sudan commitment to Darfur peace

Aug 12, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — The Presidential Senior Assistant Minni Minawi reiterated the commitment of the Sudanese government to implement the Darfur Peace Agreement, indicating that the DPA responds to the desire of Darfur people in peace, stability and development.

Minawi_shakes_hands_with_Bashir.jpgThe former rebel leader who becomes the Senior Assistant to the Sudanese president, in a speech at the inauguration of the headquarters of DPA Implementation Office in Khartoum, thanked the African Union and the donors particularly the US Administration for their support to Abuja agreement.

Minawi recalled the importance of the voluntary return of the internally displaced persons to their villages in order to contribute to the settlement and stability in Darfur in the next stage.

Minawi faction is the sole from the Darfur rebel groups which signed the African Union mediated peace agreement with the Sudanese government in last May. His signing of the DPA weakened his leadership as many local commanders of his group rejected the deal and joined other rebel groups.

Sudanese president rejects categorically a U.N. takeover of the AU mission which is struggling to end the violence that has only increased since a peace agreement was signed between the government and one rebel faction in May.

The African Union does not have enough money to pay the 7,000 troops monitoring a shaky truce in Darfur beyond October.

Many of the larger Darfur camps housing 2.5 million people displaced by war have seen violent demonstrations against the peace deal, with frustrated civilians even attacking the AU, restricting their ability to function.


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