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Sudan Tribune

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US South Sudan Forum broke ties with Khartoum SSDF

Aug 17, 2006 (WASHINGTON) — The South Sudan Democratic Forum (USA) decided to distance it self from the leadership of the South Sudan Democratic Party in Sudan, since May 28, 2006, a press release said.

The SSDF US called upon the Secretary General of the party, Dr Samuel Koang Gatluak, to assume the leadership of the SSDF immediately. They rejected the current leadership and its chairman Dr Martin Elia Lomoro.

In a statement to the Khartoum Monitor, the acting Secretary General of the SSDF Stanslaus Wani Jada had said that his party had suspended political activities of its branch committees in the USA and Canada.

Jada accused the SSDF-USA of issuing unfounded allegations against the leadership of the Government of National Unity (GONU) and the Government of South Sudan (GOSS), in which the SSDF is a participant. He clarified that the “unprincipled elements” targeted leaders of SSDF, the GONU, the president and leaders of GOSS.

The SSDF – USA alleged that Lomoro and other senior members of the SSDf leadership are “in the pay roles of the Sudanese intelligence service”, to dismantle the rapprochement between the SPLM and South Sudan Nationalists.

Below the full text of the SSDF -US press release:

The South Sudan Democratic Forum/USA

For Immediate Release

The Khartoum Branch of the Democratic Forum Has Deviated From the Cause of the People of South Sudan and Utterly Violated the Party Constitution: The USA Branch of the Democratic Dismissed Martin Elia and His Gang of Traitors Since May 2006

In a very surprising move, the so-called acting Secretary General of South Sudan Democratic Party, Mr. Stanslaus Wani Jada, issue a very uninformed and surprisingly irresponsible statement. In the statement he declared the suspension of USA and Canada Branches of the Party alleging unprincipleness, masquerading, violation of the Party Constitution, and disrespect to what he called leaders and important people in the Government of National Unity (GONU) and the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS).

In this juncture the USA Branch of the South Sudan Democratic Forum would like to set the record straight and inform the public, especially the people of South Sudanese that on the 28th of May 2006 the USA Branch of the Democratic Forum have issued a public statement distancing itself from the activities and Interim Leadership of Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro for the reasons cited blow:

To clear any misinformations please read the following statement and judge for yourselves who are the crocs and traitors that have abandon our people cause for positions and money. Mr. Jada needs to have a face before coming out of such irresponsible statement. If he is ready to face us in the court of law, we say bring it on by showing us what you’ve got. Dr. Martin Jada and others can continue issuing statement and legal threats as many as they would, but time will come when they will answer to their betrayal acts.

South Sudan Democratic Forum/USA

South Sudan Democratic Forum/USA

Press Release

The US Branch of South Sudan Democratic Forum Dissociates Itself from the Interim Leadership of Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro: The Branch Calls upon Dr. Samuel Koang Gatluak, the Secretary General, to Assume the Leadership of the Party Immediately

May 27, 2006 – After scrupulous examination of complains and reports from the members of the South Sudan Democratic Forum Party in the United States and inside the Sudan on the violations of the Party Constitution by some individuals including the interim Chair of the Party, Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro, the Democratic Forum Branch in the US has collectively resolve that it is distancing itself from the Leadership of Dr. Lomoro, who is currently serving as the Minister of Agriculture in the Government of South Sudan (GOSS). Dr. Lomoro has irrefutably proven his inability to lead the Party, and his premeditated digression from the plat-form at which the Democratic Forum stands.

Dr. Lomoro and his group in the Sudan have shifted away from the founding principles of the Party, which are summed up in championing the aspirations of the people of South Sudan for total independence from the Arabs brutal occupation. The Democratic Forum is founded to be the “advocate” for a free and democratic society in South Sudan. It was never intended to undermine and commit subversion acts against the people and the Government of South Sudan.

It is confirmed from reliable sources that some senior members, (who went to Sudan individually), of the Democratic Forum including the Chairman, Dr. Lomoro, are in the pay roles of the Sudan Intelligence Service (SIS). The SIS has charged Dr. Lomoro and the group with the responsibility of de-stabilizing the system in the South by spreading rumors and creating unnecessary strains among the members of the SPLM Leadership. This grimy job has resulted in isolation of certain associates of Madam Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior.

The support Madam Rebecca is gaining among South Sudan Nationalists abroad is worrisome in the circles of National Congress Party (NCP). Dr. Elia is given the responsibility of dismantling the new wedding between the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) and South Sudan Nationalist, which is a diversion from the unity of the Sudan the SPLM has been advocating for the last twenty years.

Madam Rebecca de Mabior deserves our unequivocal support for scarifies she made for the sake of the land. Our people have suffered for so long; they ought to have a better life and an unwavering government.

We believe the political fields in the South will be open, at which time the SPLM Party will be ousted through ballot not chaos. We fully support the decision made by Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhail to join forces with the SPLA and encourage other forces of the South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF), who have not joined, to join ranks with their brothers and sisters in the SPLA in order to protect the interest of our people. The leadership of the Democratic Forum Branch in the US is calling upon Dr. Samuel Koang Gatluak, the Secretary General of the Party, to assume the Leadership until arrangements are completed for the Party National Convention. We also call upon the members of the Party across the globe, especially our sister branch in Canada to follow the same decision we have made today. Together we will be able to take our party back from the traitors and opportunists who are trying to hijack it.

We have worked very hard to promote this Party and we do not want to the fitters, such as Dr. Lomoro, to spoil our success. It is time for younger generation to organize the affairs of our people away from the influence of corrupt politicians. Let us join forces with the other conscientious Southern Sudanese to build a South Sudan that is free from corruption and hatred.

We are assuring our registered members as well as the supporters of the Democratic Forum that we are still in business of advocating for our people’s aspirations. Soon a decision will be taken to dismiss those who are involved with Dr. Lomoro.

The people of South Sudan deserve a very honest and honorable leadership and that is what we are attempting to do. We will fight until our land has total independence from Arabs and their proxies.

May God Bless our the South Sudan Nation


Sarah Liana-Lado Lumole’

Secretary General

South Sudan Democratic Forum/USA Email: [email protected]


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