Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Salva Kiir escapes his national duties – advisor

Aug 24, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — A presidential advisor attacked the first vice president saying his SPLM failed to realize they are part of the government. The official further added that the first vice president escapes to his duties.

Kiir_al_bashir.jpgPresidential advisor who is a leading member in the ruling National Congress Party, Riek Gai, accused the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement of being unable to understand they are now part of the national government. He further criticized the First Vice President Salva Kiir Mayardit saying he escapes his responsibilities as First Vice President.

Gai’s declaration translates the concern of many in Khartoum about the prolonged absence of the first vice president from the capital spending all his time in southern Sudan.

Salva Kiir is in southern Sudan since his return from the United Sates at the end of July. The ruling National Congress Party officials in the government ignored Mayardit return from Washington he was only received by the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Telar Deng and some southern officials.

The NCP was angered by Mayardit statements in the US trip about the slow implementation of the CPA while it was agreed during the joint NCP-SPLM meeting last May to form some panels to find solutions for the shaky issues in peace implementation

In a statement to Arabic language al-Ray al-Aam, Riek Gai said that southern Sudanese obtained this position in the presidency after longtime struggle. He further said “the man who occupies this position must know that he is in this position to resolve the southern Sudanese problems”.

Gay invited Salva Kiir to consider his self as national responsible and work beyond political cleavages for the interest of all the Sudan. He further blamed Salva Kiir politics in southern Sudan saying “how Mayardit can resolve the problems of the Southern Sudanese while discussions in Juba are turned out to be a dialogue of the deaf”.


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