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Sudan Tribune

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Criminal activities threatening peace in southern Sudan, paper says

Criminal activities threatening peace in southern Sudan, paper says
BBC Monitoring Service – United Kingdom
Published: Oct 04, 2006

Text of editorial titled ‘Is it terrorism by proxy?’ in English by Sudanese newspaper Khartoum Monitor on 4 October

The news, false or otherwise, about the death of four people in Yei, Lainya and Juba due to a criminal activity by some terrorist elements who, reportedly inserted TNT explosives in radio sets for sale in the towns mentioned above, is a terrible precedent. It is indicative of another threat to peace in the region, which has just emerged from more than a decade-long destructive war.

After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), South Sudan continued to be insecure, especially in Equatoria, where the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) wrecked havoc and terror amongst innocent civilians, who were mostly women, children, girls and [the] elderly. The LRA were mostly targeting the most vulnerable people in society. Now that the LRA are engaged in peace discussions with the Ugandan government, another avenue for insecurity is being opened. What is this?

The Government of South Sudan [GOSS] should be vigilant to protect the lives of the citizens. It is horrible for a person to buy his death through electronic devices. Radio sets are necessary for citizens to be informed about developments around the world. But if these sets are becoming sources of death for people who have already lost loved ones during the twenty-one year war, still resuscitating from trauma, it means GOSS should step up a vigorous campaign to ensure the security of innocent citizens. GOSS should make sure all the goods coming to south Sudan are checked.

It is also unfortunate that such terrorist activities are taken for granted by the authorities in the seat of the GOSS. The fact is that indeed lives have been lost as a result of terrorist activities channelled through market goods. The police have acknowledged it and what is more a senior police officer is reported to have said some radio sets containing TNT explosives were seized. This is proof, beyond any reasonable doubt, that this incident, which took place in the places mentioned, is not just a rumour, it is real.

Therefore, reporting it does not amount to incitement. It is an alert for the authorities to take action. In fact, this is one of the noble roles of the press. This appears like another terrorist activity meant to create instability in south Sudan so that the process of development is halted. At the moment, there is no finger pointing. But the truth about the incidents, which have resulted in the loss of lives, speaks volumes about an impending terrorization of south Sudan, especially the seat of the GOSS.

Source: Khartoum Monitor, Khartoum, in English 4 Oct 06

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