Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

US Bush urges support for Darfur Peace Agreement

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

December 10, 2006

President Bush Appalled by Genocide in Darfur, Urges Support for Darfur Peace Agreement

I send my greetings to those participating in events around the world protesting the situation in Darfur. It is only fitting that we take the time today to remember the value of every human life and the right of every person in the world to live in peace with dignity and respect.

Our Nation is appalled by the genocide in Darfur, which has led to the spread of fighting and hostility in the Republic of Chad and the Central African Republic. We call on the Government of the Republic of Sudan and the rebel groups to cease fighting and pursue peace.

We continue to work on establishing a credible and effective peacekeeping force to stop the violence in Darfur. To this end, we are aggressively engaging all stake-holders to implement U.N. resolution 1706 to transition the African Union Mission in Sudan to a strong international peacekeeping operation. We are urgently seeking to broaden support for the Darfur Peace Agreement and pressuring all sides to implement an immediate ceasefire. We will continue to work with the Congress, the United Nations, the African Union, and the international community to provide aid to those who are suffering. The United States is committed to achieving stability, lasting peace, and the restoration of basic human rights for the people of Darfur.

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