Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Iran, Sudan to expand agricultural cooperation

Dec 17, 2006 (TEHRAN) — Iranian Minister of Agriculture Mohammad-Reza Eskandari in a meeting with the visiting Sudanese Deputy Foreign Minister Mutref Sedeiq urged the need for expansion of cooperation between Iran and Sudan in agriculture sector.

According to a report released by the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, Eskandari said that, similar to Iran-Sudan political ties, their cooperation in economic and agricultural fields should also broaden.

“Fortunately, there are high potentials for such cooperation in the domains of agriculture and cattle breeding, which should lead to further bolstering of relations,” he said.

The minister referred to food safety as an important factor in confronting the world arrogance and said that food safety can be used to stop the consequences of embargo.

He noted that great progress has been achieved in agricultural fields over the past years and declared Iran’s readiness to transfer its relevant experience to other countries, including Sudan.

For his part, the Sudanese deputy foreign minister said that Sudan is determined to develop its agriculture through exchange of experience with other states, such as Iran.

Sedeiq said that the two countries should attempt to raise their utual relations in economic and agricultural domains.

The Sudanese official said that the projects on which agreement has been made within the framework of joint economic commission should be implemented.


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