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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan unity is crucial to protect peace : Paulino Matip

Jan 14, 2007 (JUBA) — General Paulino Matip, said he decided to join the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) because he was persuaded that Southern unity was necessary to protect peace. He further disclosed contacts with the late Garang during Naivasha talks.

Paulino Matip (photo ssbin)
Paulino Matip (photo ssbin)
The Deputy Commander in Chief of the SPLA, General Paulin Matip said in an interview with a Southern Sudanese news website (www.ssbin.com) that he decided to join the SPLA because the was convinced that the unity of southern Sudanese as the most crucial tool to protecting the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

He also explained that he preferred to sign the unity agreement with the SPLA in Juba instead of Nairobi for “one simple fact, firstly, we are all southerners; secondly, we have a capital city called Juba. Therefore, it was to our best interest to conduct the talk in our nation’ capital. Evidently, that was how the Juba Declaration was born.”

Asked if he had contacts with the late Dr John Garang during the peace talks between the SPLM and the ruling National Congress Party, Matip said he advised Garang during a telephone conversation to “stick to the original border line established by the British Government.”

South Sudan’s most powerful militia leader, Paulino Matip announced the disbandment of his South Sudan Defence Force (SSDF) and joined the ranks of the SPLA during the first celebration of the first anniversary of the CPA in Juba on 9 January 2006.


Below the interview of ssbin with General Paulino Matip :

Asked on the coming about of the Juba declaration, the Deputy Commander in Chief of the SPLA answered:

Paulino Matip: “Our first south-south dialogue was conducted in Kenya with late Dr. Garang. It was not a successful one because we ran into three contentious issues. We however, had not attempted another discussion until after the sudden death of Dr. Garang occurred. Lt. Salva Kir Mayardiit assumed the position of First vice-President and the President of Southern Sudan. At his first trip to Khartoum for inauguration, I went to the airport to receive the Lt. General Salva Kir Mayardiit. After meeting him at the airport, I went back to my house.

After his inauguration to become the first Vice-President of the republic of Sudan and the President of South Sudan, Lt. General Salva Kir Mayardiit immediately started his series of meetings with both the government of national unity, and the government of southern Sudan. He therefore, decided to approach me.

He comes to me to revisit the Nairobi South-South dialogue. At the course of our brief meeting, General Salva mentioned the fact that he was not at the previous South-South dialogue and we should start everything fresh. I welcome his approached and we all dropped all contentious issues once, were the stumbling blocks of South-South dialogue with late Dr. Garang in Nairobi. We all decided to go back to former Kenyan President Danial Arop Moi’s center in Nairobi for the talk venue.

I however, changed my mind on the decision of going back to Nairobi. For one simple fact, firstly, we are all southerners; secondly, we have a capital city called Juba. Therefore, it was to our best interest to conduct the talk in our nation’ capital. Evidently, that was how the Juba Declaration was born.

Having abundance all hurdles, we valued the interest of our people; we therefore recognized the unity of southern Sudanese as the most crucial tool to protecting the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)

To that respects, the world came to learn the emergence of our ranks. Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhial assumed the position of deputy Commander in Chief of the arm forces. The President of Southern Sudan and the vice-President of the republic of the Sudan first Lt. Salva Kir Mayardiit remained the Commander in Chief of the arm forces.

– General Paulino did not go to school, yet you’ve achieved the deputy commander in chief, a position even educated experts hardly achieved. How did you rise to this rank?

Paulino Matip: Well, education can only supplements what you have on your mind as a man. Being educated and not utilizing your thoughts with defined goals, you’re nothing even with education. I’m not worry on that regard because I’m with intellectuals and I talk to intellectuals.

– Did you play any role during the CPA negotiations in Kenya?

Paulino Matip: Yes I did. I sent a letter to Dr. Garang delivered by (Molana) Abel Alier. I talked to Dr. John Garang on the phone as well. What I told him was; they should stick to the original border line established by the British Government. Do not give away even a bit of our country. Do not forget that the petroleum is in the middle of the South. Northern might be living there because Sudan is one. At any even the South departed from the north know that all these places belong to us.

– It has been said that you’re not intellectual, yet it seemed you’re the leading advocate of inserting intellectuals into respective military ranks. Are you trying to demonstrate to the intellectuals that you know more than they think you know?

Paulino Matip: Well, I’m not intellectual, but I value education more than those educated. Of course children go to school because one day they will serve their country. The past generation was not all educated; I hope the next regeneration will be the generation of intellectuals.

Our generation was not educated said the General. However, because the world is growing smarter and smarter with the help of education, I’m highly a supporter of young girls and boys who valued education.

Paulino Matip: answer calmly, “Though education is highly important, without self confident a good sense in life, education can only do so much. General Paulino Matip reiterated his quest for education. Our nation will only be build using our own skills.

General Paulino Matip strongly urged southern Sudanese expatriates to think of themselves as the future of southern Sudan. “American freedom was acquired through blood like we have done. With that education you acquired up road, you’re highly needed to help build South Sudan.

Lt. General Paulino Matip is highly polite and calm. He is highly self-educated. He might not speak Arabic or English; however, he is incredibly bright on everything. Throughout our interview, Lt. General Paulino had not criticized anyone accept putting all his critics on the Arab north.

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