Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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10 UN military advisers to be deployed in Darfur Monday

Jan 14, 2007 (KHARTOUM) — The Tripartite panel, on the implementation of the UN support to AU peacekeeping force, agreed today to deploy 10 military experts in Darfur, a AU-UN joint statement said.

An_African_Union_soldier.jpgThe joint mechanism committee, which comprises AMIS, UNMIS and the Government of Sudan, decided today in its fourth meeting to deploy on 15 January a group of 10 UN military officers to Darfur to support African forces.

This second group comes in addition to the 17 UN military staff officers and 19 UN police advisers who are already in Darfur.

Ambassador Sadeq Al Magli, the Director of the Peace Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the officers are from Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

On 11 January, UNMIS announced that it handed over the first batch of equipment and supplies to African Union Mission in Sudan, including night vision goggles, generators, tents and other supplies, as part of the first phase of UN support to AMIS.

The UN mission in Sudan said today in a news bulletin that UN is coordination efforts with Au to finalizing phase two of support. Phase two of UN support to AU force in Darfur will consist of a Heavy Support Package, including additional staff and equipment.

The fifth meeting of the tripartite mechanism will be held on 24 January at UNMIS headquarters in Khartoum.


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