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Sudan Tribune

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Rebel SLM leader calls on Europe and NATO to intervene in Darfur

Jan 16, 2007 (PARIS) — A Darfur rebel leader launched an appeal urging European leaders and the NATO members to send troops in the troubled western Sudan region, saying that they have a moral and legal obligation to protect Darfur civilians.

Abdelwahid_al-Nur_Paris.jpgIn a press conference held in Paris, the leader of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdelwahid Al-Nur, urged the European heads of States and governments, and the EU leadership, the NATO to deploy troops in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Al-Nur said there is no hope to see UN troops in Darfur as far as the international organisation subject the deployment of the bleu helmets to Sudan’s government consent. “It is evident that al-Bashir who is killing innocent people, rejects deployment of UN forces and if we wait his consent this means you authorize him to implement fully his genocide against Darfur people”

With Sudanese government allies– Chinese and Russia — the UN Security Council can not adopt any resolution to send an international force with a clear mandate to protect Darfur civilians under the authority of Chapter Seven, he told the French press.

In his “Appeal of Paris” al-Nur said “to not rescue the crime victim, is a crime”. European leaders could not witness the ongoing genocide without sending troops to stop this heinous crime. “They have to act as they did in Bosnia”; the rebel leader said.

He told the French press that one can not speak about civil war in Darfur, because the attacks are carried by the Sudanese army and the militias “it is one side war against Darfur innocent people”. He reminded that his movement is fully committed to 2004 ceasefire and they only reply in self-defense if government troops or Janjaweed militia attack them.

Abdelwahid who visits Paris for the second time since his departure from Asmara, met French civil society and humanitarians ONGs..


On the peace talks with the Sudanese government the rebel leader said that he refuses to negotiate with Khartoum unless it fulfils four conditions: to stop the daily killing of Darfur civilians particularly women, children., the return of the displaced and refugees to their villages, to protect Darfur civilians by international peacekeepers; Sudanese government has to create favourable conditions for talks and to prove its good faith.

Al-Nur said he is astonished to see UN and international community speaking about negotiations while Khartoum committing daily attacks in Darfur against civilians and aid workers. He urged the international community to mobilize efforts for the protection of the civilians in Darfur before seeking to organize talks with Sudanese government.

Earlier this month the rebel leader told Sudan Tribune he refuses to negotiate with the Sudanese government. Al-Nur explained he can not negotiate with a regime that “committing genocide against Darfur people”. He also said that the lack of credibility of the ruling National Congress Party undermines any serious efforts for a negotiated settlement.


Asked about divisions within the SLM, Al-Nur accused the government of disseminating false reports about internal divisions in his group. He said that Khartoum advertises for some people that have no presence on the ground and sign accords with them.

Al-Nur was speaking about Ibrahim Madibo and Abdelrahman Musa Abakr who signed the Declaration of Commitment to the Darfur Peace Agreement on 8 June 2006.

He explained that Minni Minawi who split in November 2005 has signed Abuja deal and lost his credibility among Darfurians. However, he said that he has contacts with his former secretary general. Adding that he is expecting to see him

On the faction of G19, Abdelwahid said that all of them have reintegrated the group. He explained that commander Jarelnabi Abdulkarim Younis becomes the Secretary General of the movement and The commander of the north sector Suleiman Ibrahim Marjan is the SLM Financial Secretary.

“They left the movement at the end of 2005 because they sought that we had secret deal with the Sudanese government during Abuja talks. But as you know we rejected the accord and they understood they were wrong. So, they reintegrated the movement because we share Darfur cause and SLM door is open to any one” he said.

Al-Nur also disclosed that Ahmed Abdelshafi may soon rejoin the movement.

For further details about this issue, we published at the end of December a press release by SLM/A commanders reaffirming their support to al-Nur leadership. The paper is available at http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article19400


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