Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

World Bank urges progress in peace implementing

Jan 22, 2007 (WASHINGTON, D.C.) — Hartwig Schafer, Acting Vice President for
the Africa Region, visited Sudan from January 13- 16 to take stock of progress
in implementing the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement and in carrying out
recovery and development programs funded by two Multi- Donor Trust Funds.

Following visits to the Government of National Unity (GoNU) in Khartoum and the
Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) in Juba, Mr. Schafer said, “We are seeing
real progress in carrying out the programs funded by the trust funds, though
the challenges of restoring basic services and rebuilding infrastructure are
considerable.” He added that the Bank is augmenting its staff in Sudan,
particularly in Juba, to strengthen support to the Government institutions
responsible for implementation of the programs.

To date, the two trust funds—a National Fund and one for South Sudan—have
committed about $227 million to 14 projects aimed at restoring basic services,
establishing government functions, and rehabilitating infrastructure. The GoNU
and the GoSS have added more than $300 million of their own funds to cofinance
these projects. Monies actually disbursed from the trust funds come to about
$82 million so far.

Following the signing of Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement, donors pledged
$508.5 million to two Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs) administered by the World
Bank, one to finance rehabilitation of war-affected areas in areas such as Blue
Nile and Kassala, and another for reconstruction and development in Southern

After two decades of conflict, displacement and neglect, Southern Sudan
constitutes one of the most far-reaching development challenges on the
Continent—with low life expectancy, pervasive poverty and a heavy burden of

The MDTF for Southern Sudan received pledges totaling $344.6 million, of which
$185.2 million have been paid in. The programs backed by the MDTF, among other
things, have provided drugs and medical supplies to health facilities serving
up to 1.5 million people in Southern Sudan. An education grant has financed the
acquisition of more than 950,000 textbooks for the region’s long-neglected
primary schools. Buildings and furniture for government ministries are covered
by another grant. A health project provides for the purchase of 700,000
mosquito nets along with drugs for malaria and other treatable diseases that
burden the population.

Through a $43.5 million grant, The National MDTF is supporting the Emergency
Transport Rehabilitation Project aimed to rehabilitate war-ravaged and
heavily-mined road and railway infrastructure. The grant will also be used to
improve transport logistics, by river and rail, between the north and the south
of the country to facilitate commerce and the return of internally displaced

“I appreciate the chance to have visited the country and seen first-hand the
efforts that the Sudanese people and their international partners, are making
to rebuild, and in some case to build from scratch, the foundations of a stable
society,” Mr. Schafer said.

(World Bank)

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