Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ugandan rebels reportedly heading to Central Africa

Azande World-wide Organisation

Press Release

LRA on the Move, probably towards Central Africa Republic

Feb 2, 2007 — Information from Western Equatoria sources on the ground are speaking of hundreds of RLA fighters and their families crossing Azande lands and heading, it seems, towards the Central African Republic. The LRA are now said to be in Gangura which is on route to Central African Republic and very far away from Nabanga and Ri-Kwanga (where they were once based) and very deep in Western Equatoria territory.

It is being said that their march through the Azande villages in Western Equatoria state is causing havoc and fear as people flee their path because the LRA have been looting food but have not abducted people so far although other people also speak of family members being abducted.

Why the RLA should be heading for Central African Republic is still a mystery at this time unless they are fearing some forces attacking them in their hideout in Garamba Forest in the Congo . Recently the LRA were reported to have fled Ri-Kwanga in Western Equatoria following the threat made on 9th January 2007 by Sudan ’s President, Omar El Bashir, to flush them out of South Sudan and the subsequent pledge of President of Government of Southern Sudan Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to mobilise South Sudanese forces and people against LRA.

It is also reported that authorities in Western Equatoria scrambled some forces to try to defend and prevent an attack on Yambio, the state capital, by the RLA since they are passing through Gangura Payam which is not far from Yambio itself. However until now there are no reports of skirmishes between LRA and Joint integrated Unit (JIU) forces or Police forces in Western Equatoria.

The assumed departure of LRA from Congo and South Sudan could mean they are giving up on Juba talks for good. It can be good news for Uganda too because it might mean the LRA are preparing to go as refugees to a far away country rather then preparing to return to Uganda for guerrilla warfare as it was being speculated. There is no news whether the LRA leaders who are war-crime suspects: Joseph Kony or his Deputy Vincent Otti are among the fleeing LRA.

Whatever Kony is up to this time cannot be speculated easily until his brutal guerrillas and their families arrive at their destination. There is even fear that they might still be going for a remote destination within Western Equatoria close to the boarder with Central Africa Republic where they could still launch attacks against our people of Western Equatoria. Hence the latest march by the RLA must be closely followed by the South Sudanese authorities and the International Criminal court (ICC) and the UN must be alerted about the LRA destination once people are sure where they have set up camp.

Charles B. Kisanga M.Sc, MBCS, MIET

Eng. Kisanga is former SPLM NLC member and chairman of Azande Community World-Wide Organisation. He is currently living and working in exile in the UK and he can be reached on [email protected], Tel: +44-770899 8373

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