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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Is it time for South Sudan minister of finance to quit?

By Isaiah Abraham

Feb 3, 2007 — The alleged corrupt riddled Government of Southern Sudan in Juba is coming out fighting against itself in the eyes of the population and the World. It’s an easy rationale to do but with serious consequences in the long run. The sacrificial lamp therefore is non other than Mr. Arthur Akuien Chol, the current Minister of Finance and Economic Planning in that Government. He is under intense siege and pressure from his own constituents namely the House (Parliament), his boss (the President), his party (the SPLM) and the public. I pity him! His is a poor and unlucky man in the middle of other schemers! It seems like his days are numbered in the eyes of many but the writer looks otherwise.

The President who is often figurative on the negative on Jan 13, 2007 went public to institute an investigation team led by Hon. Dr. Samson Kwaje of Information on $60 m paid out by National Government to the SPLM Party in March 2005. The soft target to the assumption was/is Mr. Arthur Akuien. The President hiding from his earlier decree where Finance surgery was done under which Chief Executives of that ministry were shown door, couldn’t refrain justice unless he is seen as selective. But his mind never lost sight of chunk voters or sizeable block of voters under the armpit of Mr. Arthur Akuien. This could have been/will be his political suicide. He treads with care! He perfectly used that conundrum to warn or perhaps fish out Mr. Arthur Akuien from the Cabinet. Granted, he meant well. That is an exemplary and no one doubts His Excellency feelings to rid out graft officers from his Government and rescue our people from this menace!

Ok, again to the minister. His own party the SPLM disowns him and asked him to take his own cross. The emerging star Mr. Pagan Amum never minced his words. He charged that Mr Arthur owes Southern Sudan $42 m and defied his advice to remit the money to the GOSS Bank (BOSS). The Speaker Mr James Wani Igga moreover through his Legislative Assembly joined the prey. Where will this man get a breathing space or refuge? Nowhere! Hence for him to avoid rigorous and embarrassment of being forced out through dropping or sacking from the President; the Honorable Minister should just step aside voluntarily. This might allow the President to appoint him back to the Cabinet. He must not think that he would weather this storm.

But if he does so will that end corruption or help the Government in Juba in any way? Hmmm! Yes it could help as it will slow down looters. But there are pointers that show different overview as to how this vice could be eradicated. Experts on corruption are suggesting for other options rather than only sacking. They say GOSS is in short supply of skilled manpower. So, officers at some level do what they don’t know how it’s done. The officials who are at the front line of delivery are under performing because of their little skills, they say. Well, are skillful officials a panacea or better option against graft? Not really. Some people talk of accountable systems where computerization is applied. I think this is an option!

The case in question is of Custom Department. Take aside it ethno-staffed structure but look at how botching or badly are these officers in performing their duties. With no aid of computer they are manually administering money and no one bothers to say ‘please you are living in different world where yz are no longer done this or that way’. The Custom Director in Juba could just monitor daily revenues from Kaya, Nimule and Nadapal with ease. That is where the war on graft should be directed! GOSS Anti Corruption Commissioner Mrs Pauline Riak & her deputy Mr. Philip Chol Biowei must take the battle right there right now!

Officials there are not doing good job. They are expert in demeaning public trust and only harass foreigners at the borders. Resources are being wasted there. Director of Taxation in Juba knows virtually nothing on what his lieutenants are doing behind his back. Therefore we might sack the Director but not the graft. It remains alive & active however decrees we make in a day to sack senior officials. System needs to be put in place. Rwanda has one, the best one. Should we try it here?

If that is the case then, our GOSS leaders should keep their house in text and never turn war inwardly, instead they ought to follow Dr. Garang principles of reforming people. The significant war therefore is not yet over and prudent that our leaders sought out our burning issues such as Abyei, the SSDF perennial threat/case and the border demarcation. They have miserably done little to advocate for solutions or create their own solutions to the above. They talk and talk which is beautiful but the other side has no ears to listen or conscience to feel. In that environment there is an urgent necessity to keep our unity alive at all times! We can not afford to lose key leaders and replaced them with officials whose loyalty is spread out to not than one cause.

Mr. Arthur shouldn’t be axed ( but that is if he brings back the money) and if possible the sacked team led by Makur-Francis must be brought back to Government. Lack of skills in one area does not make them infra dig to hold no other portfolio in the Government. Could that becomes a condoning of corruption? May be or may be not. The point then is that the enemies of SPLM and GOSS have used corruption issue to down play the achievements scored on behalf of Southern Sudan by the SPLM led Government (GOSS). Lastly, Jeech Wanjura a great writer once said “great devotion begets great enemies” : that is a word to the President! He got to watch out and ever conscious of political animal.

* Isaiah Abraham is based in Southern Sudan . He can be reached on [email protected]

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