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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rebel NRF criticizes China’s position on Sudan’s Darfur

Feb 5, 2007 (ASMARA) — The Darfur holdout National Redemption Front (NRF) has criticized the Sudan visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao which ended on Friday 3 February. It described China’s position on the crisis in the province as «farcical “.

The NRF said in a statement issued from its headquarters in the Eritrean capital, Asmara that “the Chinese records with regard to Sudan and its Darfur crisis have been all along farcical.

The front, which comprises rebel groups opposed to the Abuja Agreement, accused the Chinese government of total bias on Khartoum’s side, without paying attention to the genocide, war crimes, and blatant violations of human rights committed in Darfur by the regime.

It added that China was supporting the Government of the Sudanese President “without any qualms of religion or ethics -crimes that have shaken the international conscience except the Chinese Government which still viciously defends the Regime at the UN Security Council”.


The following is the text of the NRF press release

National Redemption Front

NRF: Visit of Chinese President to Sudan

Feb 2, 2007 (ASMARA) — The NRF appeals to the Chinese President to review his policies regarding Sudan and stop aiding Khartoum to annihilate the people of Darfur.

On the occasion of the historic visit of the Chinese President, Mr. Hu Jinato to Sudan, the National Redemption Front (NRF) issues the following statement:

1. Africa has no historic grievances against China and the Chinese. This positive fact allows for building a strong relationship between China and the African Continent; a relationship that is based on mutual benefits and that is devoid of exploitation, paternalism and narrow self-interest.

2. Deep and lasting relationship can only be built between people and not between governments. The Chinese authority must remember that people have memory and will ultimately relinquish any relationship that fosters injustice, oppression and abuse of human rights. Amid impressive economic forecast for China, sound and enduring relationship with Africa, as indeed with the rest of the world, is a precondition for future prosperity nation.

3. The Chinese records with regard to Sudan and its Darfur crisis have been all along farcical. The Chinese authority has consistently taken side with the government of Sudan, despite its blatant breach of international conventions, its involvement in war crimes, atrocities and genocides. Moreover, the Chinese government has been a major a stumbling block, preventing the international community taking action regarding Darfur.

4. The NRF takes this opportunity to appeal to President Hu Jinato to review the position of his government vis-à-vis Darfur problem. Given the outright international condemnation of the government of Sudan, the Chinese authority must rethink its foreign policy and stop its arms flow to Khartoum and must equally stop lending veto cover for a regime that is intent in annihilating its own people.

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