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Sudan Tribune

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TEXT- SPLM reiterates commitment to New Sudan vision

Feb 13, 2007 (YEI) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has reiterated at the end of a four-day meeting its commitment to the vision of the New Sudan. The SPLM stressed the national character of the movement.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
In a meeting held in the period from 8 to 12 February in Yei in Central Equatoria, the SPLM National Council has clearly replaced the party in its vision of the New Sudan.

The political body defined the elements of this vision as “to transform Sudan into a free, just, democratic, and decentralized system of government based on the free will and popular participation of its entire people.”

The meeting also discussed the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). In this regard, the council expressed concern for the non-implementation of key aspects in the peace deal such as the Abyei Protocol, the withdrawal of the NCP backed militia from the southern Sudan.

Regarding Darfur crisis, the SPLM reaffirmed “the legitimate cause” of the Darfurians. It also supported Salva Kiir initiative to find a common ground between rebel groups. The council backed the positive role played by the international community to relief Darfur people.

The meeting also backed the positions of the SPLM chairman “on good governance and combating corruption.” Salva Kiir was mandated to take the necessary measures in this regard.

The following is the full text of the Communiqué of the SPLM Interim National Council :


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Communiqué of the SPLM Interim National Council


Yei, 12 February 2007

The SPLM Interim National Council (INC) held its first meeting under the Chairmanship of Cde Salva Kiir Mayardit in Yei town, Southern Sudan, during the period 8 – 12 February 2007. The meeting was opportune, since it took place after the launching of the SPLM reorganization and mobilization campaign all over the Sudan and at the time when Sudan is facing major internal and external challenges, such as the worsening situation in Darfur, uncalled for confrontation with the international community, hostile political environment, and lack of progress in the implementation of some critical areas of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The meeting was guided by the overarching vision to transform Sudan into a free, just, democratic, and decentralized system of government based on the free will and popular participation of its entire people. Specifically, the Council in its deliberations addressed, inter alia, the following:

– 1. SPLM Transformation;
– 2. CPA Implementation and partnership with the National Congress Party (NCP);
– 3. SPLM relationship with other political forces and their engagement in the democratic and peace process in Sudan;
– 4. Review of the SPLM performance at all levels of government; and
– 5. The Sudan foreign policy.

I. SPLM Transformation

The Council rededicated itself to the vision of the new Sudan characterized by a free, just, democratic, secular, and decentralized system of government based on the free will of its diverse people. The Council also reaffirmed its commitment to the mission, objectives, and programs of the SPLM.

The Council resolved the following:

1. Affirms its confidence in the leadership of Cde Salva Kiir Mayardit;

2. SPLM remains as a national political party open to all Sudanese people with a mandate to champion the democratic transformation;

3. The SPLM General Headquarters to be located in Khartoum;

4. The Interim General Secretariat to begin SPLM reorganization from the grassroots to the level of the National Convention;

5. Convening of the Second SPLM Convention by November 2007 and to launch campaign for general elections;

6. Mandates the Chairman to take the necessary decisions to guide and accelerate the transformation process; and

7. Chairman of the SPLM is to appoint new members to the Interim National Council from the SPLM Northern Sector and from the SPLM Southern Sector to broaden the leadership base of the SPLM.

II. CPA Implementation and Partnership with the NCP

The Council resolved the following:

– 1. SPLM’s commitment to the full and timely implementation of the CPA as the basis for peace and stability in the country and the region;
– 2. Expresses great concern for the non-implementation of some critical aspects of the CPA, such as the Protocol on Abyei, Security Arrangements; abolition of laws that contradict the CPA and institutional reforms thereof;
– 3. Calls upon the President of the Republic and Chairman of the NCP to recognize the ABC Report and to establish the Abyei Area Administration as stipulated in the CPA;
– 4. Calls upon the National Congress Party to commit itself to the implementation of the outstanding issues in the CPA;
– 5. Reaffirms the SPLM’s commitment to the partnership with the NCP based on the implementation of the CPA.

III. SPLM relationship with other political forces

The Council resolved the following:

– 1. SPLM’s commitment to engage all the political forces in dialogue with a view to consolidating peace in the country, national reconciliation and democratic transformation; and
– 2. SPLM to initiate a process of political discourse with all political forces with the aim of arriving at a social contract that encompasses issues of CPA, national reconciliation and democratic transformation as the basis of national consensus.

IV. Current Internal Conflicts in Sudan

The Council resolved the following:

– 1. SPLM reiterates its firm support to the legitimate cause of the people of Darfur;
– 2. SPLM supports the leading role taken by its Chairman for the peaceful resolution of conflict in Darfur through his timely initiative, which aims at reconciling the conflicting positions of Darfur Movements on the DPA, supporting unimpeded humanitarian intervention and protection of civilians;
– 3. Declares its support to the positive role played by the international community in alleviating the sufferings of the people of Darfur;
– 4. Welcomes and affirms its full support to the Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement (ESPA) and urges the Government of National Unity (GONU) to implement it;
– 5. Calls upon the GONU to fully implement the Cairo Peace Agreement with the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

V. Review of the SPLM performance at all levels of government

The Council critically reviewed the performance of the SPLM at all levels of government and resolved the following:

– 1. Appreciates achievements made at all levels of government in spite of the enormous challenges;
– 2. Supports the firm stand of the Chairman of the SPLM on good governance and combating corruption;
– 3. Fully mandates the Chairman of the SPLM to take all necessary measures to improve performance of the SPLM at all levels of government;
– 4. Directs the SPLM Interim Political Bureau (IPB) and the General Secretariat to develop sectoral policies to guide the SPLM cadres at all levels of government; and
– 5. Appreciates the initiative of GoSS to mediate peace talks between the Government of Uganda and Lords Resistance Army.

VI. Foreign Policy

The Council critically reviewed the conduct of foreign policy and resolved the following:

– 1. SPLM affirms its commitment to the foreign policy principles and guidelines enshrined in the CPA and Interim National Constitution;
– 2. Reaffirms SPLM’s commitment to use its extensive regional and international relations to improve Sudan’s image abroad with the view to consolidating peace and enhancing reconstruction and development;
– 3. In order to avoid conflict between the SPLM and NCP over the conduct of foreign policy, the SPLM calls upon the NCP to seek consensus on foreign policy decisions, so as to ensure that these decisions serve the national interest and are taken transparently.

The SPLM Interim National Council takes this opportunity to pay tribute to all our fallen heroes and heroines, and salute all SPLM cadres and supporters wherever they are and call upon all the Sudanese people who believe in the vision of New Sudan to massively join the SPLM.

In conclusion, we extend our thanks and appreciation to Yei Crop Training Centre (CTC) and the Central Equatoria State, and especially the Administration and people of the historic Yei River County for their strong support and sacrifices during the struggle and for hosting this landmark meeting of the SPLM Interim National Council.

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