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Sudan Tribune

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Reconciliation requested for peace in South Sudan

Can we stop defamtions and hate against one another and work for peace among ourselves?

By Garang Ayang Kuoi

Feb 20, 2007 — It is shocking and disturbing indeed to always read about some unproductive articles produces by some unproductive elements among Southern Sudanese. Every now and then, the movement of the SPLM/ SPLA have been attack and accused of things that have no bases such as SPLA becoming a land grabing Army, tribal organization they name it. For some times now, the national and patriotic Southern Sudanese who have fought for years to liberate their people and their land from the enemies of our country, have however, be come the bad guys today according to those unproductive elements. For sometimes now, people have been able to turn their deaf years to these out crying and bystanders elements so that they can exercise their freedom of speech, and a freedom speak minds freely as honorable citizens and trully free humanbeings, but as of today, I think it is time to let those collective unproductive Southerners know that the days in which the enemies and foes in the North uses us against one another are over, gone are those days when the main enemy of our country imposes their hatred on us, and their useless tactic of turning us against ourselves. This tactic is a old fashion that was defeated by the struggle of the oppressed people of south Sudan on January, 9th 2005, when the SPLM/SPLA inked an agreement known as Comprehensive Peace Agreement ( CPA) with the NIF in the North. Gone are those days in which we had no say in our own home land, but todays are the days in which we have learned the lesson, that Dinka, Nuer, Equatoria and more other tribes in South Sudan have never been enemies to one another, but the hatred that seems to be existing among ourselves now has been the enemy tactic used to tear us appart.

It is good that the SPLM/SPLA, and the freedom fighters of South Sudan have been about freedom and justice to our land, however, we donot need to misunerstand this freedom and take as a free ride, or a valid license to drive unloaded vehicle with, a vehicle that has no goods in it, but a vehicle loaded with goods and service that our people have wanted and waited for so many years, not a vehicle loaded with explosive device that are harmful to our wellbeing. These devices in which those unproductives elements from the South have been using have been already detected by the majority of Southern Sudanese citizens who are peace and freedom lovers, and they have identified those device as explosive materials use against us by those who have been praticing the rules of theocracy and imperialism as an ideal to Islamize and Arabize our country. I know that some of those bystanders and provocative Southerners are people with little hope, during the war, these type of elements were used against the SPLM/SPLA and decieved by the NIF that the South would and shall never overcome, but with big superises, the SPLM/SPLA had reached the shore of freedom and justice for its people on January, 9th 2005 in Nairobi Kenya, these elements however, were left with no options but join either their people in the South or the foes in the North, nevertheless, they know that it isn’t that pretty to be with those in the North. Likewise, a good Southerner with love and care like myself, is willing to say that I know that you are shame of yourselves to rejoin after we have fought for you, but you have no right to be shame of yourselves to rejoin your people, but you have a right to rejoin your people without a shame or defamations against your people. Because we all have moral obligation to put all happened behind us and go to work, so that we can reconstruct our country which has been ruiened and devastated by the North for years, we have to come togather and show them that we can defeat them mentally, theoratically and in the field of praticticality as well. We have to stop tribal politics and get invelop in a real politics in which you and I know that some people are capable of denying us our right to exist and to co-exist with one another, the common enemy has is absolutely determined to destroy us once and for all, but we need to show them that we are determine to resist their evil capacity.

It is time for us to let the foes know that enough is enough and it is our turn to have justice and freedom like every one on this earth, and we must attain these rights either by force or good will. That is why it is important for us Southerners to stop slanders and libels against Dinka, Nuer, Equatoria or eless, and let is work for a peace corp within us, because a peace corp is vital and indeed crucial for our own good, because if we are united, we can never be defeated. A peace corp can assert our firm belief that we are ready to stand tall this time, that there is nothing we can fear after almost forty decades of pist and iron acception of fear itself. We need to stop unproductive politics that is viewed as politics of greediness and power thirst, but politics of freedom that can assure our dedication toward freedom and justice to the public imagination. We have got many good things that we can talk about such as a peace of vision among ourselves, because a peace of vision will remain as honorable history of our country, history that our children and grand children will neverforget. Politics of ethenicity and tribals line is a shame on us and on south Sudan next generations. We should be talking about the creation of new institutions such as unity of brother and sister hood in the South, institution that can bring about peace and prosperity among ourselves, because if we are united, the whole country of Sudan especially those who have been marginalized in North, West and Eastern part of our country can follow, and if the South, West, East, and the North can join us, then we can bring a just peace to the entire country

Lastly but not the least, this article is not meant to attack anyone, but is a call on those Southerners who are still upholding themselves out of the struggle and preaching hatred among Southerners. I would like to assure you that attacking the Government of South Sudan, calling it a Dinka organization, and so forth is no solution, the only solution is to work on national reconciliation that can put our own problem to an end so that we have a better chance to focus on common problem that we have. You know what it is. You should form associations with ambitions to put perpetuality in the North to an end, not organizations that aim on tribes such as Dinka, Nuer, Equatoria because it makes you sound childish.

* The author is based on U.S.A. He can be reach at [email protected]

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