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Sudan Tribune

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Governor accused of undermining Eastern Equatoria women

By Isaac Vuni

March 7, 2007 (TORIT) — As we are going to celebrate the International Women Day tomorrow under the theme Ending Impunity for Violence against Women, we would take this opportunity as women of eastern equatoria state, to demands from Governor Ojetuk fulfillment of 25% positions promised to southern Sudanese women by SPLM/A that was also enshrined in the CPA, remarks Mrs. Beatria Amony Ogak, Acting Director of Gender in the ministry of Social development, eastern equatoria state.

The 25% of women would translate to three cabinet positions for women, but Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, Aloisio Emor Ojetuk is ever oppressive on women rights despite directive from President Salva Kiir that he should give women their position even if it means he governor relinquishes his position for the shake of women, she reiterated.

“We heard governor Ojetuk on several public rally telling people that there are no qualified women to be appointed to a cabinet position in the state”, what a big misrepresentation of fact!” laments Mrs. Ogak.

(Mrs. Beatria Amony Ogak, Acting Director of Gender, Ministry of Social Development, Eastern Equatoria State Torit, preparing her speech for International Women Day Celebration in Torit pic by Isaac Vuni.)

Nevertheless, in term of employment in the state, we are happy that women are allowed to compete fairly with men for any recruitments base on their merit. However, in political appointment of ministerial position, governor Ojetuk never consulted women despite the fact that we have some women who are even more qualified than some men he appointed in the cabinet.

However, the advisor to governor on political affairs, Dr.Robert Lokamu Lokoyan, says Governor Ojetuk has last January consented to the genuine demand and promised to consider and included women in the coming cabinet reshuffle.

Dr. Lokoyan noted that the first state cabinet reshuffled was done on September 5th 20006 therefore, he said, it would not be possible to effect another reshuffle before elapse of six months. But Major General Marcello Otwari, who is also advisor to governor on security affairs say, when political situations demands, reshuffle could be effected and that it’s up to the governor to decide when than the cabinet.

She said women representation in the state assembly was fair because the eight parliamentarian women were nominated through their respective political parties.
Constrains facing women in eastern equatoria state are: Lack of funding, Lack of linkage with outside women groups. Otherwise, we see many NGOs purporting to be working with women group but they never came to us or approach any of our members on the ground.

Mrs. Ogak said there are many challenges facing women in the state and the main among them are; Lack of funding, lack of transportation for out reach awareness campaign to women in rural community. Under staff compounded with lack of qualify staff to run women programmes at the state and grassroots levels.

In an exclusive interview at state ministry of Social Development, today, Mrs. Edvige Grato Nyapourkono, Assistant Director of Social Welfare Development in eastern equatoria state says some Otuho women likes their men to beat them as a sign of showing love and; in return the women boost of her husband’s being the strongest men.

On the other hand weaker men are often battered by their wives and today there are many cases of men beaten and admitted in Torit Civil Hospital with head wounds. Mrs. Nyapourkono said such beating may lead to dead and consequently either of the couple may end up loosing every thing they had desired in this world.

She appeals to both men and women to refrain from battering each other. “If there are disputes, the two should sit and discuss it amicably”, she advised.

She said sexual harassment in government offices including tea making centers for government officials and traders has become a common place for abusing many young girls seeking employment opportunity becoming pregnant at their tender age.

Mrs. Nyapourkono says some conceived lucky young mother teenagers are recruited as messengers in various ministries but they ended up encountering more problems of taking care of their babies, who are often strapped on their back while performing official duty of the office.

She further noted that the wages paid to these mother teenagers messengers are not sufficient to enable them higher a baby sitter.

She appeals to NGOs who are involved in women empowerment to come to their aid especially in constructing a baby care center in the state.

The state ministry of social development of eastern equatoria has allotted the eight counties, each 1.8 million Sudanese pounds to enable them celebrates this vital day but the money would be send after tomorrow official celebration in Torit, the capital of the state.

According to Mrs. Ogak, Goss ministry for Gender Social Welfare and Religious Affairs has donated the sum of US$8000 only for celebrating the day. She said last year state authority refused to supplement contribution from Goss ministry on ground that the amount was enough to covers expenses of the celebrations. But she hopes governor Ojetuk this time round mat made some contribution to women project empowerment!

The first International women day was officially and openly observed in eastern equatoria state on March 8th 2006. Tomorrow would be the second celebration with many activities organized by women and men in the state with the Governor Ojetuk being the chief guest.


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